Hi, so i screwed up my Olevels for having L1R4: 29. I decided to retain with another 4 of my friends. So i got a pretty good score of L1R4: 11 for my CA1 after working really hard. I decided to either
DPA: (sorry, SP fan here)
But i realize that i can only DPA 3 course. Honestly, i'm more interested in the last 3 course, but the thing is International Business is the lowest cut-off point, and hardest to go in, which makes me very attracted to get in. Plus it is always called to be one of the best course in the entire polys. Moreover, as i'm a retainee, my friends are already enrolled in polys, and most of my friends are in the last 3 and none in International Business due to the low cut off point, which makes it less awkward when i get enrolled in. I really don't know how to choose... Please help...
i think IPEM will give you more choices in the future
can be applicable in more industries and the experience and skills learnt (when working, not when schooling) can help you to venture into other scopes more easily in future if u wanna change jobs
I feel that you should go for your interests and passion and not just follow the herd. You need to enjoy the 3 years that you are in poly doing something you like.
There are a lot of job opportunities in the tourism industry.
Go jc if u wanna local uni next time.