Hello peeps. Need to submit my PW topic related to ''Influence''. Please give me suggestions on topics and give me points on how to write the PI thanks.
The topic should be able to elaborate into
1) where what who when how.
2) impacts: positive n negative
3)weigh positive and negative impacts
4) How to minimise the negative impact and maximise the positive impact.
How to apply similar strategy in a different context (eg. diff stakeholder, locality etc)
Need help urgently thanks!
Generate as many ideas as possible, there are no right or wrong points, jiayou!
A very practical tip is to use Google to search for ideas.
Wen Shih
Previously a Supervising Tutor
I thought of a few and messaged my tutor but rejected because they are lack of when where why what and how. My tutor wants a event, not a phenomenon. So it has to be an specific event. I came of up a topic which satisfied 5W1H finally but lack of inovative ideas so my tutor say it'll be difficult to come out with solutions will affect my GOI.
It'll take 4 - 5 rejections and refinement of ideas on your side before something good will take shape, so be patient and keep improving!
Wen Shih