Just to check with you. Are you planning to further you study after you have complete your private diploma?
if you have no intention to further continue to further study to get a degree after your diploma, i would advise not to take any diploma from Private education institution as you say alot of company do not recognise it.
I would strongly encourage you to decide wat type of course will u be interested in and take up a diploma and than a top up degree course from a private insitution.It would rougly take about 24-36 month for you to get your degree. Most company recognise oversea degree as the degree were issued by the University itself.
Check with the Private institute whether you need to take any bridging course with your current qualification.
Check out schoogle.com.sg for courses that might interest you. The website list most of the courses available in the private institution market.
You can also post message to the school to ask about your eligibility
Hope this help.
Thanks for taking the time to reply to my topic. But right now i still have no directions for my prv dip. i need a route to ensure me a place in poly. As i heard poly is sort of more "fun" and regonized.
i would like to ask whats your opinion on taking prv o lvl? iam a nt student and just finished Nitec in ite, by the way. and sad to say that i forget almost everything i've learnt in secondary school.
Looking forward to your reply!