Don't say poly very relax lorh... so stress until cannot tahan lorh.. especially in Business School lorh..
ya got girls to see but still so stress lorh..
homework and projects more than no. of pretty girls there sigh =(
I can tell that from each lorh,you sigh.
Project>Divide the work amongst members.Does your team leader takes a personality assessment for the group?It is rather important in poly that each leader knows his/her members' abilities and traits,then placing them in roles that they should be in.
Assignment>Find time after CCA to do your work.If you find it tiring,try to do it on the morning before school starts.Discipline yourself>The easiest form to discipline yourself is to constantly remind yourself that your grades will be affected if you do not accomplish those assignments.
Ultimately,poly is preparing you for work life.I can only comment that the working life is more strenuous.Cope with the stress in poly and you will find it rewarding.Failure to do so will result in negative consequences.
Solutions:Study in a group>less stressed
Divide your assignments into portions,do not cram everything together=>less stress
All the best and may you be less stress with homework+project.(not expecting you to like them)
P.S. if you are stressed,you can invite a girl to study with you and chat with her over homework.(I assume you are a guy)
Me too!
if you're stressed over homework, wait until you're working
Just go and seek your lecturer for help if you have homework or project problem, or seek help from those senior å¦é•¿ or å¦å§� who study the same course or module, but 1 year longer than you and they should have the experience to help you.