I applied for poly but the application is still pending currently.. Which I doubt I will get in since my overall gpa is 2.95 from nitec.. So I was thinking of joining the Army 1st, since they sent me a letter for enlistment.The enlistment is on somewhere around Jun, and I am 20 this year.. I want to know what should I do after or during Army.. Because I am totally not interested in the enginneering course that I studied for -__- and don't want to work in that line.. I was really hoping to get in a design course in poly but I didn't. So I have totally no idea what should I do anymore...
Sooooo I was hoping you guys can give me some idea of what to do? Should I study for private "O" or something? or should I just apply for poly or higher nitec again for a design course two years later?
PS: I picked that course at 1st because I didn't know what I liked and what I want to do... But now I finally decided or aleast know what I really want to do, but its abit too late... Already wasted that much time......
Can you change to design course in your application or appeal? If not, you can go to army and decide on the course during your army days.
People become more matured in army, and may realise their focus and direction in army.
All the best.
Already did applied for a design course. That I doubt that I wont be accepted.. As I dont even have a art background ><...
My current result is also not that appealing for poly too and I dont really want to go higher nitec.. But if I cant get in poly then I wont be able work as what I want. Since higher nitec cert isnt gonna get a good job in singapore currently... And if I go higher nitec > poly would just be a waste of time.. AHHHH so confused -__-
So, if there any one out there can recommend me what to do so that I can get in poly design course that would great.