Source A
"Summer Hill is not a good moderator. She's a dictator. I can't start a proper thread in this forum anymore!"
-Written by IHateSGForum
Is source A reliable?
1) Check the provenance.
-Who wrote the source? Is there a purpose in writing of the source? (If so, it can be bias and unreliable)
Is this source trying the influence the reader? (Audience's reaction)
Purpose of the source above: Eat at KFC(Audience's reaction)
Who(the audience)? What(aim and message)?
*There's always a purpose
2) Facts Vs Opinions.
etc: The sun is a star.
etc: Iphone is over-rated.
Supported by facts=More reliable
If source only have opinions, does it show one or both perspective?
One side= Bias
Both sides=Balanced and fair source
3) Cross reference
Source B
"I think Summer Hill is the best moderator ever. She keeps the criminals and trolls out to makes the forum a safe enviornment for me to interact in."
-A member of SGF
Support or refut?
If source refute= Unreliable
Source support= Reliable
-Then, you need to decide if it's reliable or unreliable, then quote your evidence and explain why.