He ought to be get shot for this....

#9. The Red Bee - Appearing in the 1940s in "Hit Comics #1" the Red Bee was basically your powerless vigilante type character.
However instead of wearing a cool costume like Batman or the Shadow, the Red Bee opted for a red pirate shirt with pink pouffy sleeves and red and yellow striped tights. However, what made the Red Bee truly lame wasn't just his eyesore of a costume, but the fact that he fought crime with the aid of a trained bumble bee! That's right! You read it right! A trained bumble bee named Michael that lived in a compartment in the Red Bee's belt buckle. I'm serious! A frikkin' trained bumble bee... named Michael! So unless the Red Bee's villains were allergic to bee stings he wasn't much good. It may not surprise you that they also killed off the Red Bee in the pages of "All Star Squadron" but, again, the Red Bee remains to "bee" a fan favourite to this day.