The mobile market keeps growing and growing. Especially Apple. The latest numbers on downloads from their App Store are quite impressive. Over 40 billion downloads have happened, and the most important statistic on this must be that over 50% of these, around 20 billion, happened during 2012.
They are going to see the drop very soon.
What's the next big thing after apps?
It is because Android has won the mobile war.
So have to sell away iphones if we have them ?
Moblie global market share
Samsung 33%
Apple 21%
Samsung + Sony + HTC + LG +..., therefore Android global market share will be not be less than 70%.
Android is the people's choice.
Originally posted by global market share
Samsung 33%
Apple 21%Samsung + Sony + HTC + LG +..., therefore Android global market share will be not be less than 70%.
Android is the people's choice.
Android is on most phones because Apple is those that want to control everything. When you control everything, you can sell at very high profit margins. Say, the phone manufacturing cost is $150, now if you want the iPhone, you can only buy from Apple, they sell at $1200, it's either you take it or you don't, they control the pricing. If you don't have the money, then go away, that's Apple's attitude.
All the talk about innovation is crap when you consider how they want to sue competitors for making phones with similar shapes. That's stifling innovations by removing competitors from the market so that they can continue to sell products at very high profit margins. So thank God for Android coming to the rescue, you can get cheap Android phones for like $150 bucks.
Nowadays it is so easy to create moblie apps, one company offered an free web platform called AppsGeyser which allow user to create app in 2 easy ways : and some even in 5 minutes :
Some people who are doing business in moblie marketing will use toold like Green App Machine to create and monetize their phone app :
There are other who offer creating app application education :