Anyone know where to get them? Last time I always buy from Alienware prior to them being bought over by Dell... Dell sucks big time, so I NEVER want to buy Dell products.
I searched online, found Malibal but the name really sucks... hear already dun want to buy...
Any others? I found Xoticpc but it seems they just buy ASUS or other brand laptops and customize abit only.
I don't mind paying more in fact last time I spent $6k on 1 alienware laptop. I wanted something unique which is not like the normal Dell/Asus/Mac/Acer laptops... I intend to buy and customize further on some inner hardware.
I think if there is a niche market here for gamers who don't mind paying more for their passion.
Or is there any companies in Singapore that provide services to customize the laptop plastic so that i can put LED lights on it, similar to how the alienware logo works...
my budget about $6k-$10k.
and no i dun care about embedding those crystals or diamonds (those drive up the costs insanely)... i aim for the cool factor and the hardware also.
Don't know if you are a troll or.
If price isn't everything and you don't want any normal Asus/Mac/Ailenware etc..
you can go for MSI's gaming laptops.
Or Republic of Gamers by Asus. (The alternative to Ailenwares and I find them better than the over hyped Ailenwares)
troll? no. i'm an extreme geek, yes. I can attach my pic of the alienware i bought which is no longer being manufactured the sentia model... that's before dell bought over alienware... now dell bought them, sucks... i would have been an alienware customer for life if not for that.
even after posting, i went to search and found laser engraving etc... but still not what i wanted... which is the backlit lighting up like the alienware...
to be honest, after such a hard search, i realize there's a market to customize lid to look super cool with those lightings (That is the apple logo, alienware logo lighting up), i'm sure people will pay in fact, i dun mind paying $500 just to have a customize lid alone, nothing else.
main factor is because i dun want something that others can get easily... like last time nobody have iphone, i got it directly from US and there's a different feeling... now everyone has iphone, i stopped using iphone altogether... last time to get an alienware laptop, i also have to get it directly from US... now go sim lim can buy already... own it also no feeling... not sure if you understand... but my passion for technology goes beyond geek level i think.
i even import some cpu parts from israel because only there has it... anyone heard that would say crazy or stupid, but to a hobbyist, we're willing to go the extra mile... in my case, extra million miles.