Hi, I was thinking of what a netbook is popular for, and it is commonly used for surfing the web, watching videos, word processing and other low power stuff.
Netbooks are practically useless for gaming though, because their specs are too low and perhaps also because they do not have any optical drives.
Is a netbook any good for programming though?
Depends on your programming tool... if you're using visual studio sure die lah, it will be slow until you feel like changing career... if you're doing php, then different story, so depending on the software which you use to do the programming...
I used to use netbook for programming. When you want to preview the codes, it load kinda slow on webpage; and it take years (exagerate) to load a page. When you type the code, it'll only appear like only 200~300ms after you hit the key. It's quite slow though and it's highly disturbing. My programming was php, css html, java, mysql,. All webpage de and not so energy consuming programming.
If you're doing VB or others, maybe it's not suitable. Especially you have dreamweaver or other correcting software.. it's not recommanded to usenet book lar..
I mean speed = performance = productivity. I gave up on that HPmini and use back my main Corei5.