Anyone using microsoft office 2010 already?
I still using microsoft office 2007 one. How much is it?
Sorry abt the title. It's microsoft office 2010.
Home 2003, office 2007. What super duper features they put in 2010 that 2003 and 2007 are lacking?
Originally posted by ditzy:Home 2003, office 2007. What super duper features they put in 2010 that 2003 and 2007 are lacking?
That's y i ask mah. If nt much difference y i buy the 2010 one?
change change change until all the attachments cannot open ccb
Originally posted by -StarDust-:
That's y i ask mah. If nt much difference y i buy the 2010 one?
I also dunno, why you don't go microsoft office website to check?
Don't bother changing, there's not much difference. I upgraded to 2010 and found it really bulky and slow. I went back to 2007 a week later.
Originally posted by TehJarVu:change change change until all the attachments cannot open ccb
2010 and 2007 does not really have much difference except for the new ribbon, supposingly faster speed and cloud (Office Live)
i noticed office 2010 has the FILE button on top.. 2007 would only had the Mircosoft Office logo... besides that, havent noticed any significant changes
me thinks office 2010 just an excuse to suck more revenue
i screw my IT when they give mi 2007.... die die wan my 2003 back...
2010, is a more streamline version of Office 2007.
From the Microsoft Product Talk that I was @.
Nothing much notable except for new templates, smart arts, and better 3D icons...
Power point and outlook are the 2 most improved interface and functionality ones. Power point has more slide animations, transitions...
Outlook is based much on the windows live mail (online) with a special sweep function.What sweep does is you select a mail, and you can choose an option to sweep all mail from this sender to the recycling bin. For example, you have facebook notifications sent to your mail. By conventional means, what one does is to, check it, and then delete it manually. For those who receive lots of notifications, it will mean alot of work. So now with one click and sweep, all will be sent to bin.
Excel is improved too. It now opens up large files with more rows faster. (Most obvious and visible in firms dealing with lots of numbers in excel format which can go up to thousands. ) The current limit is 65000 rows. With 2010, it will be >1mil.
One last improvement is the ability to publish your files online to a portal. Just like Windows Shared view, you get to view what your college is doing and comment, take control of the project and save a copy of the current file.
Most of it is done to the coding. Not much on the interface.
There's something about the copy and paste function too, which i can't remember. Hahahaha.. but if you were to ask me if You should get it, I would say, from 2003- 2010 yes. From 2007-2010, maybe/no.
There's something about the copy and paste function too, which i can't remember.
They tried to make copying and pasting easier. When you copy, on moving to another area, they present you with the different options of pasting. Most useful for Excel users because most complained they don't know that Excel had different ways of pasting.
The current limit is 65000 rows. With 2010, it will be >1mil.
Office 2007 and above can support more than 65000 rows. If you handle huge amounts of data, best go with at least Office 2007. The number of columns limits is also increased.
Power point and outlook are the 2 most improved interface and functionality ones. Power point has more slide animations, transitions...
PowerPoint can also do some mini photoshop.
ooh.. one more thing.. when you close a file without saving it, whether deliberate or not, the system will still automatically "save" the unsaved file to another mystery folder
Btw, if you have an unregistered copy of 2007 office, you are entitled to upgrade it to 2010 office for free... until the 31st October.