hey guys u know iphone apps are .ipa files right? which are actually winzip folders that have been renamed to .ipa so itunes can recognise them right?
okay i jailbroke my ipod touch, and all the installous stuff etc. then i downloaded the .ipa file from apptrackr. but then it comes in a 'winzip archive' right? so if u copy it to the mobile application file, it'll auto become the white thing with the itunes logo and the .ipa thing right?
problem is i didnt know that, and before i copied, i changed the 'open with' default settings to itunes.
then the prob is it opens with itunes as a music file or smthin , instead of a 'mobile application' file. so itunes does not recognise it.
do you know a way i can change back?
btw i can use the games that already are .ipa with the itunes logo on the file although they are still illegal from apptrackr. so its not a program error.
pls help thanks