HELP! lol!
O.K IT pros. i got a problem n need some help.
Last night, i came home and noticed my computer auto updated itself and told me to restart.. so i restarted... and there was some IOBit error etc.. n i dont really know whats that.Think its some software i installed not long ago. I just clicked OK . Maybe a bit drunk n high.. dunno got see wrong or not.
But now, my FireFox and I.E wont start! Only Safari will start. So how do i fix it ?
Oh.. n i clicked on Fmod.dll thingy.. i dunno does that affect or not but ya.
Pls dun tell me reformat. Last option. he he. Think is registry problem ?
Eh.. Safari not bad aye... LoL!
Is it me.. or the fonts look more... soothing to the eyes.
oops.. work liaw. can close thread.
I just uninstalled everything i installed during the past few days. LOL!