Yes Php as a programming language is really cool.
While it may not be as powerful as its substitues like JSP and, there is actually a very large community of developers working on the PHP language. Lots of free open source applications have been developed for industrial use that a person with some background in programming could easily configure to his own needs.
A great example is Wordpress a blogging software. I have been using it for quite a few years on friendster for personal blogging. Recently I setup my own new blogging site at a new location but still using the same open source software Wordpress. Now with FTP access to my wordpress script, I could easily extend my Wordpress blog to include more impressive features.
If you are a technie, without hosting space or domain name but would really like a playground to test out these open source system., I could easily provide you with one free of charge.
Another cool system which I have been using for quite a while is Joomla. It has already reached version 1.5. I consider it to be quite a mature content management technology by now. You could also have it downloaded free off the net. All you need is just a hosting space to test it out. Samething if you need a play ground to test out this site tell me about it.
Recently I was out with my friend who is a trader. Apparently he was having problems keep tracking of his stocks. So I thought I should help him out by creating a online inventory system. However rather than creating one from scratch I just searched on google and found once again a free fully running inventory management system that is written in PHP.
That is the cool thing about PHP there is such a large community working on it that you can easily find an already written software system in that language to fit your needs with just slight modifications.
Even Microsoft seeing the large crowd of open source community around PHP is trying to woo of this community over to its web server windows IIS server from the Apache web server by PHP easier to install on the IIS server.
Check it out here :
Gary from
Yeah, I code in PHP for all my websites, although I'm a little rusty since I haven't written a full script in like half a year.
Originally posted by PWNED32:zzz
Nice! :)