is there any way to make a pc fan run at its full speed?
my motherboard is throttling the speed of the fan on my desktop pc. they are the 3 pin variety, like those fans found on the cpu cooler, not those 2 wire, 4 pin power type of fan.
i understand that of the 3 pins, one of them is used to send the information on motor speed, to the motherboard, etc and for the mobo to control the speed..
is it possible to do a "hardware hack" on the fan, for eg, cut off the throttle wire. will this then allow the fan to run at full speed?
higher temperature means more voltage given to the fans(think in physics terms). tackle the motherboard.
this is what i found usefu.
so it bypasses the mobo instructions and sets it's own instuctions on fan speed
um the website wont show. ><
Fanmate 2 Variable Speed Fan Controller
Specifications | |
Dimensions | |
Weight | 20g |
Output Voltage | 5V ~ 11V 2% |
Allowable Wattage | 6W or lower |
When booting a computer in which FAN MATE 2 is used with the CPU fan, an alarm sound may be generated by a system monitoring program to indicate that the rotation of the CPU fan is slow.
If this happens, you may turn the speed control knob fully clockwise to increase the fan speed, set 'CPU Fan Detected' to 'Disabled' in the BIOS settings, or set the slowest rotation of the CPU fan in the system monitoring program to less than or equal to 1500 RPM.
* Some mainboards do not boot if the rotation of the CPU fan is below a certain number of RPM. If the BIOS settings are updated, Silent Mode can be used. For more information on updating your BIOS , please refer to your mainboard manufacturer's web site.
oh.. so must purchase a hardware addition ><
cut the cable can anot? =X
i never try. either if will not work
either it will work at constant speed
either it will work at max speed
i dun dare cut.
later my AVC fan gone i sad sad :(
i also read somewhere that for standard 4pin power in a pc, the wiring is as such
i have a couple of 60mm fans that are powered by the 4pin connector. it runs on a red and a black wire, which are soldered on to, according to my info, the +5v and the ground. however, the sticker on the fan shows that it takes in 12v, and runs on a current of 0.12A. so does that mean i am grossly underpowering the fan because the factory had it on the 5v line instead of the 12v line?
nah bios wont allow.
speedfan wont work with my mobo 'cus its a custom built mobo for hp.
and the extra fan i installed is the 4pin molex de.. not 4pin fan.
my mobo supports one 3pin (fan 3pin) for chassis, and one 4pin (fan 4pin) for the cpu cooler fan. other than that any other fans will have to be molex powered.
so am i underpowering the fan by installing it this way?
i see that the fan motor states that it takes 12v at 0.12A. but according to the diagrams, its wired to the 5v line of the molex.