I cannot access into yahoo singapore website since last TWO DAYS! (6th march 2009). Needless to say the yahoo mail too!! Anyone having the same problem?? All other websites can be accessed in my laptops without any problems. Please help me to solve my problems here. Thanks a million in advance.
no problem too.
Thank you very much to all brothers here for the informations given. Well my webpage just hang there and don't move at all when i clicked into the yahoo singapore website. I just very frustrated that i cannot go into my yahoo mails anymore. I also don't know why after so many years of going smoothly into that website and suddenly the website just hang there!!.......sight!!!! :-( Does anyone know the yahoo singapore website's IT/contact's email address so that i can refer my problem to them?? Thanks a million in advance for anyone giving me that email address.
internet service provider? - starhub or singnet
Oh sorry, i meant the yahoo singapore website's IT/contact's email address. The email address that is revealed when u clicked on the "contact" word on the top of the "Yahoo singapore's website page.
ya, my question is, what internet service provider are you using. So that forumers using the respective internet service provider is able to check if it's their internet service provider fault or is it just an isolated issue
Originally posted by Johnny.654321:Oh sorry, i meant the yahoo singapore website's IT/contact's email address. The email address that is revealed when u clicked on the "contact" word on the top of the "Yahoo singapore's website page.
there is no contact word on the top of the webpage.
what i can only find after reading yahoo help is this. (to contact yahoo staff) and note, it's an online form to fill the problems. they dont give out their email addresses.
and this
A portion of the Yahoo! Home page is not updating.
Try performing a hard refresh to clear the cache for the Home page. On a PC, press Ctrl + F5 or click Ctrl + the Refresh button in your browser. On a Mac, press Shift + Command + R or click Shift + the Refresh button in your browser.