"... had a HP desktop, but warranty had expired. Now the PC is unable to boot up. Once switched on, the screen hangs at "UPDATING WINDOWS VISTA CAB 3, 0 percent" or something like that...."
"... Tried to boot from a Win XP CD but an error message occurs, saying there's problem with the harddisk..."
Hi forumers! What do you think is the problem? Unable to format HDD, since can't even boot successfully from the XP CD. I suspected there's problems with the HDD. Maybe just buy a new one, but is there anyway to confirm the problem is the HDD and not RAM or chip?
Alternatively, since there is no more warranty, is there any PC repair shop to recommend say at SIM LIM? Or should I bring it back to HP's customer service and pay?
Originally posted by airgrinder:"... had a HP desktop, but warranty had expired. Now the PC is unable to boot up. Once switched on, the screen hangs at "UPDATING WINDOWS VISTA CAB 3, 0 percent" or something like that...."
"... Tried to boot from a Win XP CD but an error message occurs, saying there's problem with the harddisk..."
Hi forumers! What do you think is the problem? Unable to format HDD, since can't even boot successfully from the XP CD. I suspected there's problems with the HDD. Maybe just buy a new one, but is there anyway to confirm the problem is the HDD and not RAM or chip?
Alternatively, since there is no more warranty, is there any PC repair shop to recommend say at SIM LIM? Or should I bring it back to HP's customer service and pay?
u using vista now? then it keep hang at startup screen? ur hdd got sound? got use the diagnostic cd? looks like hdd up lorry... since spoil jz get a new 1... no point restore it unless u lost a million $ data...
if you have a Win98 startup disk, you can boot from floppy and take a look at your hdd condition. Else, you can try the below method.
Windows Vista
Using the F8 Method
You can use the method in the earlier post to backup your data if it works.