Hello guys and sis..do anyone know if i put a Intel Core Duo Processor in to my Hp pavilion t230d will it work or will it jam??Thanks in advc...
Depends on the motherboard, you'll most likely have the correct socket for the job, but whether compatable anot, really depends on the mobo....
What model is it? (I dont see any reason for it not to work, but if u do it wrongly, you'll fry the chip & it's warranty.)
hi there..it's the original hp pavilion t230d motherboard sorry cause i dunno how to check wat model is the motherboard..i scare later i buy the processor liao cannot use (jam) than jialat liao
Download cpuz from http://cpuid.com/
after u downloaded it, open the program(no install is needed)
then click on main boaard, check the manufacturer and chipset
then go to the manufacturer website to find the model
actaully im not sure about wad hp uses
if u can find the make and model, see wad processor it suports, if the cpu u are planning to buy is supported, u can use it
most probably is liddat
ok..thanks alot guys.. :)