EXCEL 03/07 PROS - Please help me. I'm working on an assignment and the teacher gave us questions whereby we have to find formulas to use to solve it when we havent learn it the first place. Stucked with two functions.
1) Cinema Seating. Have a cell table listing the different seating types (A), field to enter seat location (B), pricing table for different sectors (C). How to click on any area in (A) then display in (B) then display correct price in (C). Displaying price is it use VLOOKUP? If not?
2) It's a loan amortisation table so this table shows the payments from month 1 to month 60 ie 60 rows. I've set up the table to calculate the payments, depending on the amount of years i want to take to pay the loan. Question being how can i let the subsequent months (rows) be blanked out if say loan takes 4 years - 49 months (49th row) onwards blank out. 3 years, 37th row onwards blank out. Tried conditonal formatting but it doesn't work.
for 2, condition doesn't work meh? can't you let it display the text " ", so it will be blank?
hmmm then what's the condition?
Originally posted by thousandisland:hmmm then what's the condition?
Try this.... for A column, list 10 to 1. B column, list 1 to 10. for C column, use below formulae.
=IF(A1>B1," ",B1-A1)
above is example how to get excel to fill it with blank.
for your loan condition check, you will need to check "total paid to date" with total amount owed. if money all returned le, just diaplay blank
thanks sky... but your IF formula is for qn1 or 2
Originally posted by thousandisland:thanks sky... but your IF formula is for qn1 or 2
it is the how to display blank tutorial... not the answer to your question. that one you will have to figure out.