HI i've got a big problem here.
my home router network and everything is set up by a relative.
However my wirless net work is not secure and i see other foregin coms coming in to use my internet late at night.
What i want to know is that how can i secure it? like what are the setps to securing the wireless network ?? sorry IT noob here...
Another thing is i would like to set up a new printer, a epson cx900F to replace my old canon i560.
however the epson uses an usb port which my old router a pci BAL-04FPU doesnt support..
hehe sorry this is my home setup btw: a Aztech ADSL Ethernet Bridge/Router (DSL 305E) connected to the pci router which is than connected to a d link DWL-G700AP wireless access point.
now i have another device that my relative bought that is not in use a pci mini-MFP which i presume is used to connect to the modem and then connect to e printer??
however of course i've no knowledge on how to setup everything... HELP PLS!
You can log in to the router. If your relative didn't change the settings, you can refer to the router's manual to log in and adjust the settings.
Click once on the wireless network icon near the clock (two monitors for XP SP1 and below, one monitor for XP SP2 and above)
Click on the Support tab. You will see a field named Default Gateway. Type in that IP address into your web browser. Enter in the username and password as provided by the manual.
Navigate around. You'll find a section called Security or Encryption (or something else similarly named), which allows you to choose WEP, WPA or WPA2.
This is where you apply the security for your wireless network. Once done, the router will either auto restart itself or ask you to restart it manually. Restart the router. In the meantime, don't do anything to the router or you'll risk corrupting the whole thing.
You can set up your printer as a network printer, so that it can connect wirelessly to your network.
See here - http://h71036.www7.hp.com/hho/cache/545391-0-0-225-121.aspx
ello thanks for your reply!
ok so i got access intot he wireless router, what i see is authentication which allows
open system, shared key, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, WPA, WPA2
then i see WEP which is set disabled
and choice wep encryption 64bit or 128 bit
and choice of key type ascll(5 char) or hex (10char)
erm.. help pls!! which setting needs a device to input a password before being able to use the wireless network?
i'm using vista
Originally posted by 2e3:ello thanks for your reply!
ok so i got access intot he wireless router, what i see is authentication which allows
open system, shared key, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, WPA, WPA2
then i see WEP which is set disabled
and choice wep encryption 64bit or 128 bit
and choice of key type ascll(5 char) or hex (10char)
erm.. help pls!! which setting needs a device to input a password before being able to use the wireless network?
i'm using vista
OK...basically all the different forms of WPAs and the WEP are encryption algorithm for ur wireless...WEP is simple,functional but outdated....U can try the WPA2 or WPA-PSK...I wouldnt go into the technical details but either one of these is good enough for ur use...
Open system allows ad-hoc login...more convenient to add systems into the wireless network...
the choice of key type is just the length of the wireless password that U will need ur users to type in if they want to login to use ur router.Hex is longer in length...so should be better...but seriously...no difference lar...
Important thing is to know which password to type in...to use the wireless...the password should look very random to a normal human being...
hi sorry to bring this old topic back. but i think i screwed up the wireless router....
after the last successful change in adding the password i tried to access it again through the ip address to change some settings cos my dad's old lappy couldn access it wirelessly.
however before i can do anything i couldn get in through the ip cos dunno why the username and password doesnt work. so i resorted to resetting the device to factory default but now i still couldn get access through the factory default ip inoder to reset the whole wireless...... any help????
do i have to access it through a desktop with a fixed ethernet connection or can i do it on my lappy through wireless??
Originally posted by 2e3:hi sorry to bring this old topic back. but i think i screwed up the wireless router....
after the last successful change in adding the password i tried to access it again through the ip address to change some settings cos my dad's old lappy couldn access it wirelessly.
however before i can do anything i couldn get in through the ip cos dunno why the username and password doesnt work. so i resorted to resetting the device to factory default but now i still couldn get access through the factory defaburdult ip inoder to reset the whole wireless...... any help????
do i have to access it through a desktop with a fixed ethernet connection or can i do it on my lappy through wireless??
best thing now is to use a fixed ethernet connection on ur desktop to reconfigure the settings of ur router. i'm using a WPA2-Personal and i think it really isn't bad as most people use the most basic WEP encryption. use ur desktop and track the IP of ur router. log into ur router and set the type of encryption and the password.
also, help ur father to configure his laptop. first, check for the wireless network after logging into windows. next, find ur network, select it and try to connect to it. key in the password after Windows prompted for you to do so. after successfully connecting to the network, select 'save this network' and 'start this network automatically' so as to ease your father's burden of entering the password everytime he needs the internet.
hope i will be able to help u!
Originally posted by nenepokey:best thing now is to use a fixed ethernet connection on ur desktop to reconfigure the settings of ur router. i'm using a WPA2-Personal and i think it really isn't bad as most people use the most basic WEP encryption. use ur desktop and track the IP of ur router. log into ur router and set the type of encryption and the password.
also, help ur father to configure his laptop. first, check for the wireless network after logging into windows. next, find ur network, select it and try to connect to it. key in the password after Windows prompted for you to do so. after successfully connecting to the network, select 'save this network' and 'start this network automatically' so as to ease your father's burden of entering the password everytime he needs the internet.
hope i will be able to help u!
thanks for ur reply!! but eh how do i track the router ip using the desktop? any step by step guide? cos the manual given default ip isnt working after i reset the wireless to factory default...
sorry real IT noob here...
Originally posted by 2e3:thanks for ur reply!! but eh how do i track the router ip using the desktop? any step by step guide? cos the manual given default ip isnt working after i reset the wireless to factory default...
sorry real IT noob here...
connect to the desktop via ethernet. search for the IP of the router at the status of the internet connection at 'Control Panel > Network Connections'. then go to the details (if there is) and find default gateway. that is the IP of the router. then go and log in to the router. if possible change the IP of the router to for easier remembering.