Now that FF3 has been released for quite a while, I wonder what do you hate about Firefox 3? How do you get back what you want (other than using FF2) ? What do you like about FF3?
1. Nicer interface. It's now tightly integrated based on your OS, rather than the older interface that Mozilla used to have.
2. Clearer warning messages. If it's a bad site, it states it. If it's a phishing site, it states it clearly.
3. Updating function is now better. Whereas it used to inform you of updates only after you restart Firefox, now it informs you whenever there's an update available.
4. Better addons and skins manager. Older versions of FF spots a rather basic addons and skins manager. Newer version is improved, quite like Opera addons and skins manager.
5. Download manager and download status. It used to be you need to keep on opening the download manager to check how much time is needed to download a file. Now, it's stated rather clearly at the bottom. Although not quite accurate, but still, an improvement is better than nothing.
1. Address Bar. Can be resolved by installing either of these addons - oldbar or Old Location Bar.
2. Bookmarking system
3. Issues with SSL website (self signed certs or expired certs will trigger this - ). Issue can be resolved by installing this addon called Perspectives.
4. Scanning of files with antivirus. Regardless of your antivirus settings, if a file is determined to be bad by your antivirus, it will be deleted once downloaded. On some systems, some people reported hangs or slow downs.
This will be good for people who downloads files without checking... but for those who are frequently fixing PCs and requires to download files (which antivirus programs think are bad) , you won't be happy to keep finding them missing.
Issue can be resolved by going to about:config and change the settings.
5. Viewing source codes of bad websites. OK, this is only for the curious. But I don't see the reason to block us from viewing the source codes of bad websites?
6. View Page Info. Right click on the page and select View Page Info. Compare FF3's View Page Info with FF2's View Page Info. Which do you think is more useful?
Get back your old View Page Info.
I am thinking of upgrading to FF3 and IE7.
Just wanted to see if anybody can convince me to do otherwise.
If old habits are hard to kick, then the answer would be simply just not to change.
Quite frankly, I prefer FF2 over FF3.
IE7 is a good improvement over IE6, at least in terms of getting standards compliant. No longer are websites breaking because we have to bear with IE6, although IE7 still isn't standards compliant.
IE6 is also quite buggy when it comes to handling some JavaScripts... damn thing keeps hanging. IE7 works better in this sense.
Haha, mayi too technical liao .... my only complain for FF3 is ... give me my "Tab MIx Plus" back ...