my com is functioning very slow recently.. what is wrong about it ? my internet explorer disppear suddenly.. I would like to send it for configuration ? any good suggestion?
May I have the following information please?
1. System specs
a. Operating System (Vista, XP, Linux, etc)
b. Total amount of RAM
c. Total amount of hard disk space and the amount left
d. Processor speed
e. When you say the computer is functioning slowly, does it occur when you run games or you're doing nothing at all?
f. Please run this file -
Save it as startup.bat
Change the file types to All Files.
If you're using Vista and UAC is turned on, please right click and select Run As Administrator.
When done, Notepad will open. Please post back the contents of this Notepad file in your next reply.
2. When was the last time you defrag your hard disk?
3. When you say Internet Explorer disappears, what do you mean by that? The icon on the desktop? The one on Start Menu? Or some other places?
4. What you mean by you want to send it for configuration?
the defrag part is faulty showing area msg]
What's the error message?
system spec are as follow:
-intel celeron cpu 2.8Hz
-operating is window xp ( home edition)
-480mb of ram
-harddisk space
c drive 18 gb lefr
d drive 34.8gb ( this drive seems to be unused since day 1)
my com seems to take very long time to startup even for simple program such as msn, my computer
Originally posted by ndmmxiaomayi:What's the error message?
error experiencing while running the programme...
i means sending my com for servicing...
here are the information:
@echo off
echo Working...
regedit /e C:\look1.txt
regedit /e C:\look2.txt
regedit /e C:\look3.txt
regedit /e C:\look4.txt
regedit /e C:\look5.txt
regedit /e C:\look6.txt
sc query type= service > C:\look7.txt
echo. >> C:\startup.txt
type C:\look*.txt >> C:\startup.txt
echo. >> C:\startup.txt
echo End of report >> C:\startup.txt
del /q C:\look*.txt
start notepad C:\startup.txt