Plz help me with my codes...
i making a calculator using java but it cant works... i plan to include the % and sqrt Function to my calculator but it wont work..
plz correct my codes..
the codes is listed here
I recognize that nick... LOL
import java.lang.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
private void ButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event)
String tmp = event.getActionCommand(); // Returns the command string associated with this action.
String c=String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(tmp)); // Returns the string representation of the int argument
if ( c.compareTo("0")==0) // if c equal to "0"
if (v.length()>0) // if c equal to "0" AND v.length greater than 0
v = v.concat(c); // v = v + "0"
v = v.concat(c); // v = v + c
catch (NumberFormatException ex) // this section will not be executed unless line 6 creates a NumberFormatException
if (tmp.compareTo(".")==0) // if tmp is equal "."
if (!(v.contains("."))) // if v does not have "."
if (v.length()>0) // if v does not have "." AND v.length greater than 0
v = v.concat(tmp); // v = v + "."
else // if v does not have "." AND v.length is equal 0
v = "0".concat(tmp); // v = "0" + "."
else if (tmp.compareTo("C")==0) // if tmp is equal "C"
v=""; // v is null
else if (tmp.compareTo("+/-")==0) // if tmp is equal "+/-"
if ( v.charAt(0)=='-' ) // if tmp is equal "+/-" AND v first char is equal "-"
v = v.substring(1); // removes the "-" from string
else // if tmp is equal "+/-" AND v first char is not equal "-"
v = "-".concat(v); // v = "-" + v
else if (tmp.compareTo("=")==0) // if tmp is equal "="
double a = Double.parseDouble(m);
double b = Double.parseDouble(v);
if(op.compareTo("+")==0) // if op is addition
v = String.valueOf(a+b);
else if (op.compareTo("-")==0) // if op is subtraction
v = String.valueOf(a-b);
else if (op.compareTo("*")==0) // if op is multiplication
v = String.valueOf(a*b);
else if (op.compareTo("/")==0) // if op is division
v = String.valueOf(a/b);
else if (op.compareTo("%")==0) // if op is percentage
v = String.valueOf(a/100); // MISTAKE->percentage should be (a*(b/100))
m = ""; m is null
op = ""; op is null
else if (tmp.compareTo("BackSpace")==0) // if tmp is equal "BackSpace"
if (v.length()>0) // if tmp is equal "BackSpace" AND v.length greater than 0
v = v.substring(0,(v.length()-1)); // removes the right most digit
else // if tmp is not equal "." AND not "C" AND not "+/-" AND not "="
v=""; v is null
jTextField1.setText(v); // always show v in textbox
Anyway, I cant help much due to lack of information. You only show us a single method instead of the entire class.