How do I cut out a picture of a vehicle from a road and then paste it on another road accurately?
.... use scissors .. jk .... just zoom in, use the polygon lasso tool if u got , then slowly trace (thats for tracing) . Easiest way is to zoom the pic till big big , then use eraser tool to rub away the unwanted part nicely .
Hope this helps
you can use either the pen tool or the magnetic lasso tool to accurately cut out the bus.
After cutting out, you can also zoom in many times, then use the eraser tool to erase the extra parts.
Then you can slightly blur the edges so that the contrast will not be too sharp with the background picture you are going to put into. You could also use the sponge tool after merging the 2 layers to lightly touch up.
Also, you will need to make sure the lighting is about the same. You might want to play around with the brightness and contrast settings so that they are more similar