New in internet based transactions. There was this guy whom i was trying to buy a MacBook from. Normally I do it thru Paypal transactions as there is added security in it.Paypal is a website that will pay you back if you do not recieve the product from the seller.
This guy said his account was suspeneded by paypal for 3 months for changing of his bank account tagged to the paypal account. Wonder if this is true. Please help and advise.
never heard of suspending the account for a time period by paypal, paypal usually suspends it indefinitely until the owner of the account verifies (cases in which he probably had done some misdeed or something) or cancels it as a whole...
Y would papal hold back account for 3 whole months just because 'someone' changed
the bank account, "tagged??" to a paypal account??? unless he meant he changed the credit card that was tagged to his account? in which case he needs to get verified again... sounds fishy though... never heard of a 3months account suspension
thinghy.. have being a holder since 2004
Seems like a scam.
think you've been had dude .....
Originally posted by Designerwhere:New in internet based transactions. There was this guy whom i was trying to buy a MacBook from. Normally I do it thru Paypal transactions as there is added security in it.Paypal is a website that will pay you back if you do not recieve the product from the seller.
This guy said his account was suspeneded by paypal for 3 months for changing of his bank account tagged to the paypal account. Wonder if this is true. Please help and advise.
if U paid prepared to say goodbye to ur money.
if U havent paid...get ur Mac elsewhere.
I 've never heard of a time-based suspension for Paypal accounts - he's probably bullshitting. Do a chargeback if you had used a credit card to pay for your Mac.
Erm... where got suspension one? Unless he is using fake cards... If he is trying to ask you send via wire... forget about it...