Originally posted by kiss_my (_i_):
above the username, password.
theres a list to choose,
free wireess,
and 2 or 3 more other company name which i forgot the name.
so, i choose singtel right? or free wireless?
When you sign up with Singnet Wireless@SG, what did you use to sign up?
1. Singtel HP number
2. Singnet Broadband account
3. Others
If 1, use Singtel to sign in
Username is HP number, password as provided by Singtel if you didn't change it
If 2, use Singnet BB account name to sign in
Username is the same as your Singnet BB account, password also the same as your Singnet BB account
Like this: username@singnet
Password: abcdefg7
If 3, use the username and password as provided by Singtel to log in. Just choose the Others option