Originally posted by constancebay:
erm I mean when I use netscape to go into my email, there will be a msg
"You are about to leave an encrypted page. Information you send or receive from now on could easily be read by a third paty"
What does it mean? Meanin someone can check my password?
Jon must be on his
daily dose of drugs again.
Anyway, back to topic. When this message is shown, it means that any info you send or receive will be in unencrypted plain text. You see, when data is transferred, it doesn't come directly from the other end. It has to hop through different machines in different networks before it reaches you, and vice versa. So when it is in plain text, the machines that passes the data along is able to get a copy of your data for unauthorised use.
Basically, any data you send or receive using the HTTP protocol, including login information and messages, and site-wise sgForums, is not encrypted and can be captured by a third party. So for your second question, if your "someone" refers to anyone, then it's a yes. This is one of the main reasons why it is recommended to have different passwords for online banking, and other monetary functions, from the one you would use normally. (Despite that, I'm still using the same password for most areas, including my $1.01-balance iBanking account.
You would know that data transfer to and fro a site is encrypted when your browser is using the HTTPS protocol, which is obvious from its address bar. So, each time you're moving from a page using HTTPS to another one that doesn't, the forementioned message would appear.
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