dear all, i have my hotmail and msn messenger account hacked.
Anyone can help? As this is really important to me as all my projects and proposal are all in it which are confidential.
pls do p.m me thanks all!!!
My usual question. When you set up your Hotmail account, did you set up an alternative email account?
hi ndmmxiaomayi,
i registered myself with this account since the time hotmail is out.. so been quite a number of years back. and the thing is that the securtiy question is being changed! and i dont remember puting an alternate email add. you think there is anyway to go about it ???
Well... then the only way is to hack back... and probably get some security folks to your house as well.
The other way is to really beg Hotmail. It's known to work if you can prove who you are, though it's really rare.
But anyway, regardless of whether you are able to retrieve your Hotmail account or not, use a local, paid e-mail account, or the free one which usually comes with the internet connection you are paying for, for important stuff in the future. And set it as the alternative e-mail address for those free e-mail accounts in case something like this repeats.