taiwanese (girls) - they will do anything for me (e.g angl7030)
Latest news.
The toddler is dead.
Originally posted by troublemaker2005:taiwanese (girls) - they will do anything for me (e.g angl7030)
Have you verified "she" is Taiwanese? Anyone can say anything on internet. Make believe.
Goodness! Rest in peace, little one. Sad story!
2011å¹´10月21日,多次越过æ»äº¡çº¿çš„å°�悦悦ç»�望地撒手人寰,她æ‰�æ�¥åˆ°è¿™ä¸ªä¸–界两年,还ä¸�曾感å�—到这个世界的ç¹�å�Žå’Œç¾Žå¥½ï¼Œè€Œè¿™ä¸ªå†°å†·çš„ä¸–ç•Œå’Œå†·æ¼ çš„å›½äººå°±å·²ç»�å°†å¥¹æ— æƒ…åœ°æŠ›å¼ƒ……
这是一段令人æ�ªå¿ƒçš„视频。广东佛山一个五金城里,两å²�女å©æ‚¦æ‚¦è¢«ä¸€è¾†é�¢åŒ…车撞倒ã€�碾轧,接下æ�¥çš„å‡ åˆ†é’Ÿï¼Œè¿˜æœ‰å‘¼å�¸çš„悦悦å¤é›¶é›¶åœ°èººåœ¨è·¯è¾¹ï¼Œ18个路 人先å�Žç»�过,但都当没看è§�,而其间悦悦å�ˆè¢«ä¸€è¾†è´§è½¦ç¢¾è½§ã€‚这令人心寒的一幕,直到拾è�’阿姨陈贤妹ç»�过,将悦悦æ�¬ç¦»è¡—心ã€�在高喊ä¸æƒŠåŠ¨äº†æ‚¦æ‚¦å¦ˆå¦ˆï¼Œæ‰�得以终 æ¢ã€‚终于,濒临脑æ»äº¡çš„å°�悦悦,躺在了医院的é‡�症监护室。
18∶1,多么让人é��体生寒的数å—ï¼�å°½ç®¡æœ‰äººæ›¾å› è§�义勇为被冤,尽管救人常ä¸�å…�带æ�¥æŸ�些“麻烦”,但是,è§�æ»ä¸�æ•‘ç”šè‡³ç”¨å†·æ¼ æ�¥åŠ©çº£ä¸ºè™�,是在撕裂社会的良知底线,消解公众ç�µé‚深处的ä»�义善念。
è¡Œä¾ ä»—ä¹‰çš„é»„é£žé¸¿æ—©å·²æˆ�为佛山历å�²ä¸Žæ°‘风的一ç§�ä»£è¡¨ï¼Œä½›å±±ä¹Ÿå› æ¤“åŸŽå¸‚å��片”而在ä¸å›½å®¶å–»æˆ·æ™“。ä¸�幸的是,近日佛山æˆ�为全国关注的焦点,ä¸�æ˜¯å› ä¸ºé»„é£žé¸¿å¤§å¸ˆï¼Œè€Œæ˜¯å› ä¸ºä¸€å��两å²�多的å°�女å©é�两辆车碾过身体ã€�18å��路人ç»�过å�´æ— 人问津。
“这一天,他们令佛山蒙羞”,这是昨日当地报纸《佛山日报》的头版头题。昨日本报也å�‘表《拯救日æ¸�消é€�çš„æ�»éš�ä¹‹å¿ƒã€‹çš„è¯„è®ºå‘˜æ–‡ç« æŒ‡å‡ºï¼š18路人的冷 æ¼ ï¼Œæ˜¯è®©æ–‡æ˜Žè’™ç¾žçš„é�“å¾·ç�¾éš¾ã€‚è€Œè¿™æ ·çš„å†·æ¼ ï¼Œç»�é�žç‰¹ä¾‹ï¼Œå�´æœ‰æ—¥æ¸�弥漫的趋势:比如频频å�‘生的è€�äººè·Œå€’æ— äººæ‰¶åŠ©ï¼Œé�¢å¯¹æ¹å¾’è¡Œå‡¶æ— äººæŒºèº«è€Œå‡º……”
让人诧异的是,在é�“å¾·çŽ¯å¢ƒå› å�„ç§�å†·æ¼ æ¸�显ä¸�å ªä¹‹æ—¶ï¼Œå¼±åŠ¿è€…å�´ä¹‰åŠ¡å��顾地表现出他们的仗义,比如这一事件ä¸æ•‘助女童的拾è�’阿姨陈贤妹,还比如那些扶起摔跤è€�人的é�’å°‘å¹´……社会é�“å¾·è¦�é� 底层和弱者æ�¥ç»´ç³»è„¸é�¢ï¼ŒçœŸä¸�知é�“是幸还是ä¸�幸。
from yahoo china
RIP, little Yue Yue.
Originally posted by dragg:dont you think gamblers will all go to genting if MBS refuses to pay the full amount?
I believe you have posted in the wrong thread. MBS cmi !
This is call the "Bystander effect" and it is a world wide human problem, not a Chinese cultural problem...
31 Year old man stabbed and bleed to death on the side of the road of New York as 25 people walked by for 1hr and 30mins
a 78 year old man was a victim of hit and run and no one did anything... no one even called the police... its just that he's lucky a patrol car just happened to pass by...
a patient in Brooklyn Hospital died face down in the middle of a waiting room and no one did anything for 45 mins
a 36 year old woman died in the a crowded public swimming pool and no one noticed her body is still in the swimming pool for 3 days....
so now we know human beings are the same all over the world.
Police arrest 2 drivers in Chinese girl's death
BEIJING (AP) — Police formally arrested two drivers suspected of running over a toddler who died a week after she was struck on a busy market street in southern China and was ignored by passers-by, newspapers reported Sunday.
The Beijing News and other outlets said Sunday police in the city of Foshan concluded their initial investigation and ordered the two men formally arrested, a step that almost always leads to a trial.
It did not say what they were being charged with and calls to Foshan police were unanswered.
The death of 2-year-old Wang Yue gained widespread coverage in the Chinese media and prompted soul-searching over declining morality and callousness toward the sufferings of others.
The accident on Oct. 13 was captured by gruesome security camera footage, leading to police identifying the vehicles.
For seven minutes after the first van struck the girl, 18 people walked or cycled by the bleeding toddler before a scrap picker scoops her up and takes her to her mother, who rushes into the street looking for her.
they got this å�—京å½å®‡æ¡ˆ phobia.
2006å¹´11月20日上å�ˆ9时左å�³ï¼Œå�—京æŸ�公交车站。当时两辆83路公交车一å‰�一å�Žç´§æŒ¨ç�€é� è¿‘ç«™å�°ï¼Œç”±äºŽå‰�一辆83路公交车乘客较多,å¾�è€�太准备赶乘å�Žé�¢ä¸€è¾†83路车,å½å®‡ä¹Ÿä»Žå‰�一辆83路车å�Žé—¨ä¸‹è½¦ã€‚çª�然,å¾�è€�太跌到在站å�°é™„近。éš�å�Žï¼Œå½å®‡å°†å¾�è€�太从地上扶起直到å¾�è€�太儿å�赶到现场,éš�å�Žå½å®‡å�Œå…¶å�一起将å¾�è€�太é€�往医院。ç»�诊æ–,å¾�è€�太左腿股骨劲骨裂,å�Žç»�手术治疗花去医è�¯è´¹4万余元,ç»�鉴定构æˆ�八级伤残。2007å¹´3月底,å¾�è€�太起诉å½å®‡ï¼Œç§°æ˜¯å½å®‡å°†è‡ªå·±æ’žåˆ°åœ¨åœ°ï¼Œè¦�其赔å�¿å�„ç§�费用共13万余元。而被告å½å®‡åˆ™ä¸€ç›´å�šç§°è‡ªå·±å¹¶æ²¡æœ‰æ’žåˆ°å¾�è€�太,完全是出于好心将å¾�è€�太扶起并一直陪å�Œå…¶å°±è¯Šã€‚æ¤æ¡ˆç»�过三次开åºï¼Œå�‡ä¸ºå½“åºå®£åˆ¤ã€‚æ—¥å‰�,鼓楼区人民法院作出判决,å½å®‡æ‰¿æ‹…å››æˆ�责任,赔å�¿å››ä¸‡ä½™å…ƒï¼�ï¼�
evil humans.
frankly we are guilty of such behaviour too.
there were many cases in singapore where nobody lifted a finger to help someone in need.
Originally posted by dragg:frankly we are guilty of such behaviour too.
there were many cases in singapore where nobody lifted a finger to help someone in need.
thats true.very often in one way or another.but china takes the cake.