Like which part of the body to hit that can knock people out but not kill them.
centre line
forehead, nose, throat, chest, stomach, belly button, lanpah
the leg, and spit on their face
The temple
Most simple one is armpit When the situation comes and you really need to escape, jabbing at the arm pit is the best~
Originally posted by Darkness_hacker99:Most simple one is armpit
When the situation comes and you really need to escape, jabbing at the arm pit is the best~
Will that dislocate the arm?
Jabbing armpit like quite hard.
kick kkj easiest.
It will not dislocate the arm, but... it will cause a sharp but harmless pain. The effects will be temporary and should be enough for you to escape harm
must shout "ki chew! ki chew!" first
huat the fug LOL
if boy kick his sensitive thing
if girl, slap her
slap her neh neh
U think shooting porn flick?
pili pala pili pala liddat slap
bite her nipple...