Hi people, i'm new to this forum and currently i'm interested in picking up CKM. the thing is, if i am to pick up a private lesson would it be worth it? of course if i had a few more partners, it would be cheaper and learning about the same things. the problem is i do not have any friends who are interested in picking this up. would any forumers be interested in this?
Actually I would be interested if there are more people joining. 6 to a class would be ideal...
i am in contact with a level 2 instructor.. for personal lessons it would be 50 per 1.5 hrs..tho he guarantees we will learn something... 3 person drops the price to 35 per session. the max he would take is 5 students... u interested still?
Yup I am still interested and I will bring 3 more so there will be 4 people including myself. Please contact me at 97600334 if you can confirm it. Thank you