I am 24 years old and doing shifts job, last few weeks I have a lots of workload and personal issues, that makes me depressed a lot. I am not able to give time myself even no proper time for lunch and dinner, Also feeling sluggish and fatigued, drowsy sometimes I feel lack of concerntration for which I try to focus on..I went to the doctor and diagnose for this, found changes in my weight more than more than 5%. I have also go through online articles and suggestion read blogs. Do you guys have any suggestions to come outof this issue?
Fitting name for the problem, 'moron', so..
Dear Moron,
You should find a new job. Your company don't care whatever happens you especially in Asia. You will be replaced. Keep this in mind always.
this is the only my name. can you suggest some good name?
Hi Rachel,
I am also working in private sector a now a days it's really aserious issue. When I fell such situation. I try to concentrate on my work and do my best job.Actually this is the time when you can prove yourself and try to reach my goal. Definitely do meditation to come out from depression.
Despite doing shiftworks, take some time off to exercise if possible as it helps your brain will release certain chemicals such as serotonin which are essential to feeling happy and satisfied in life.
Your diet might plays a part, as depression to a great extent, a physiological disease concerning chemical imbalances, so it’s important to have a robust diet that has sufficient vitamins and minerals to promote brain health. Eat a well-balanced diet might helps.
Lastly, eat the medicine prescribed by your doctor.
Hope these tips help.
Q Medical Singapore
u man or woman?
still depressed?