Hello, Im helping my friend post this.
She's a final year dental student in NUH (national univerisity hospital) and she needs to treat 2 more patients to complete her coursework. The 2 patients required are:
1) Exam case - The problems with your teeth, the better. Root canal + dentures + crown + bridge etc etc
2) Full - i.e. You require both upper and lower dentures (i.e. fake teeth)
Since she's a student, the price you pay for the treatment will be about 20% of what you pay at a private dentist outside. And the money goes to NUH, not her.
Also, she'll be supervised by qualified professors / dentists at all times, so you dont have to fear that the treatment will be screwed up.
The disadvantage is that you have got attend approximately 7-8 appointments for the full dentures, and about 12 (or more) appointments for the exam case. Each appointment is about 2 hours. But to think of it, you can really save a hell lot of money from this. A lot of money.
So if you're interested, sms me at 92210451. I'll get her to call you back.
Paiseh, left out a word:
1) Exam case - The more problems with your teeth, the better