Originally posted by thinkdifferent:
I know it's frustrating when the tests haven't shown anything. Sometimes when a person is observing himself, reads info on some diseases and is worried to get the symptoms, this stress may develop such symptoms. Then it's a psychical problem.
Anyway, to find out if you have any heart problems or not, I suggest you ask for the Holter's heart monitor, it's a portable monitor of the size of a walkman which monitors your heart activity, ECG and blood pressure. You wear it for 24 hrs and do your normal activities which you do in your life or by which you feel the symptoms, it records the monitored data and then the doctors transfer those data to a computer which analyzes them. If there is something wrong, the doctor will see it. The only problem is whether the doctor takes your complaining about the symptoms seriously and agrees with the holter's monitor test.
Does anyone in your family (one of your parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and also in earlier age then usually) have the same problems like you?
That i totally agree with u. It could be a psychical problem I've also tried asking myself that. After the 2D echo test i was convinced I was alright. But i suddenly experienced the symtoms two days ago. I dont think anyone in the family has these conditions. Well, thanks for yr help. Just need someone to share this with. Hope thing will start to get better anyway cuz i dont think i can afford the medical fee for Holter's. Thanks