That Paul MacDonald guy, gave me a headache while watching him prance around. His performance was less than so-so, imho. I think they are praising him for performances past, not last night's. The two newbies must learn not to judge on sentimentalism, agree?
Re: Thia. You hit the nail on the head. No stage presence at all. But then she's only 15...
Simon, we need a reality check!
Ashton is gone. There is a God!
Originally posted by jetta:Ashton is gone. There is a God! ARE funny!!!! yeah....the voting american pubic is in agreement with me. what's your feel on adam's guest appearance? hmm..... i prefer that simi diddy's performance. even my steven tyler gave a standing O.
that thia hor? she keeps wearing that "pathetic" look. it's almost like acting out a humble front. i wish she just be natural. i mean c'mon, she's 15 and should have a cheerful disposition. if she continues, she's gonna come across really b-o-r-i-n-g to the voting community. she has a good voice, don't blow her chance by having zero personality.
now i really miss simon cowell......... we'll just have to wait for america's got talent. and then soon enough dancing with the stars gonna start soon. again, rooting for cheryl burke.
Originally posted by ARE funny!!!! yeah....the voting american pubic is in agreement with me.
what's your feel on adam's guest appearance? hmm..... i prefer that simi diddy's performance. even my steven tyler gave a standing O.
that thia hor? she keeps wearing that "pathetic" look. it's almost like acting out a humble front. i wish she just be natural. i mean c'mon, she's 15 and should have a cheerful disposition. if she continues, she's gonna come across really b-o-r-i-n-g to the voting community. she has a good voice, don't blow her chance by having zero personality.
now i really miss simon cowell......... we'll just have to wait for america's got talent. and then soon enough dancing with the stars gonna start soon. again, rooting for cheryl burke.
I was surprised when I saw Adam. Surprised by his lack of pancake makeup and flashy outfit. Soooo sebun like he was when he was a contestant.
You know what Thia's expression reminds me of? Like that just-kena-scolded-badly-by-mother look. I love her powerful voice any which way.
I do miss Simon too. The newbie judges are just too nice.
sorry jetta. MIA for a to handle my assignment. submitted last nite so can chat le.
erm, ah adam hor? i wasn't going to discuss his appearance but the performance hor? hmm......not his best lah. he wrote the lyrics for that song eh? while meaningful lyrics but i didn't tink it went that well with the melody.
luckily ah thia got the message. last nite she was smiling a lot more if not all nite. i am glad for that 'cos she has the voice. hopes she goes far.
aiyoh....our dear simon. we have so much faith in him, in his judgement but sekali, this morning, i read this headline, he liked that simi rebecca black's song titled friday. aiyoh eh ah. that song was deemed the "worst song ever".
too bad that simi naima ah? she got outsted. i tot haley was to go. well, she may be next. oh, did u noticed? the contestants are now wearing ear piece. i bet they were not able to hear themselves the first week hence most of them were all over the place.
ok, now that dancing with the stars started last nite, my week nites will be really bz. mondays n tuesdays.....DWTS.....wednesdays n thursdays......AI....friday is my day of rest. kekekeke
okay week 3.....ah jetta dear....gotta give it to your casey. he was the best performer last nite (IMHO). much as ah thia has the voice, sadly she has ZERO personality. even ah james didn't even blow me away. it was just alright. agrees with the judges that simi stefano and pia ah? got voice/power but no stage presence. technically strong but performance wise, not great. one must not only be able to sing but also to entertain. both scored ZERO in that department. paying too much attention to technique liao. i don't feel their deliverance. none moved me last nite.
over to you~~~
omgoodness~~~~ jetta.....did your heart jumped out last nite???? your casey was to be out!!!! what a shocker!!!!! the judges didn't even bother to hear him sing to save him. and then after that, drama mama lah.
true enough that ah thia bottom 3. if she doesn't show some personality, soon she will be shown the exit. i tot stefano was to go, my jaw dropped when i heard casey's name announced.
anyways, i loved last nite's show. first we got stevie wonder performing and then what a treat!!!! a birthday celeb for my steven tyler!!!!! and then later, my dear hulk hogan appeared!!!!! oh what a nite. everyone i like....stevie, steven and hulk. after that i imitated him and put my hand to my ear. kekekeke
I have yet to catch that episode. I dvr'ed it but haven't had the time. Will do so tomorrow before the new week starts.
wah, my dear.....ah ni bo eng ah? what have u been doing? not cafeworlding izzit? hmm, this week is gonna be interesting 'cos two gonna be call out. anways, what's with this year? i was watching dancing with the stars last nite and my goodness, they (the stars) were really really good!!!! i enjoyed it and i was smiling or grinning as i watched. really good show. for tonight's results, i can tell who's going home. that radio dj named ralph. ok, rem to watch AI on wed then we can share share here k?
woohoo........jettaaaaaaaaaaa.......... calling/paging dear jettaaaaaaaaaaaaa
did u catch it last nite? again, it was just alright for me. besides, elton's songs ain't easy to sing. my favourite moment was when my dear steven tyler teased lauren that if she continues to sing like that, she will be able to afford the rest of the dress. i tot that was so cheeky of him. and my fav performance of the nite was from thia. again, she has zero personality. that simi naima has more personality than thia although thia has the better voice. but i was moved by thia's deliverance last nite. i tot she was going to cry singing and relating the lyrics to her brother.
i wonder why they tink kao pei kao bu is the way to singing. most importantly is pleasing to the ear and can touch/move your listeners. haiz..... all these kpkb gives me a headache. are u guessing who will be called out tonight? my guess for bottom 3 is : thia, naima and stefano. we'll see. hey lady....stop playing your simi cityville and come back on. or have u started work liao? calling calling jetta......
I'm here!! Sorry ah, super occupied here. I'm working nights now, dealing with this new store I'm with. Donch laugh hor. Kmart bought Sears and have recently started carrying appliances. They don't advertise it since not all stores carry appliances so traffic is kinda slow. So inbetween manning the appliances dept, I take care of two other departments. While at Sears, I mostly stayed in my dept but now, I do sooo much walking. Ouch! Good thing I only work 20 hours a week.
And yes, I'm a Cityville freak. Can't explain it, just love the game. You wanna be my neighbour? *nudge nudge wink wink*
Aside from that, I'm trying to get my latest project underway. We are trying to build a short wall along the right side of the house. One advantage of living here is the accessibility of cheap labour. Heng ah. Imagine paying $12/hr for manual labour?
K. Now on to AI business:
I hated that Ah Ma's (Naima) raggae version *ptui!* I'm beyond glad that she's gone. However, I'm sad that Thia's gone. That one has such a good voice but like you said, the personality of a rock. That Paul and his flowered suit should go. I don't think you can whisper your way to the top. I think we should all just not waste anymore time and just get to the top 4. Let Casey, Pia, Haley and James just duke it out. What do you think? lol
no prob. i had a hunch u were at work. hmm....working nites eh? how late is late tho'? our stores closed at 9pm on weeknights and then between 5 and 6pm on weekends. that ain't bad eh? aww....c'mon, i am not laughing. we don't have kmart here but i tink they will be making their way to toronto soon. i do not shop at sears. walmart is my way to go~~~
in terms of everyday low price, they have it but in terms of sales, sometimes i get better deals elsewhere.
u r such an expert. i dislike learning about appliances. i have very basic needs. i tink any electronic or electrical stuff i have are base models. so, u work a few departments eh? well, such is the norm here too. i see this lady manning the deli and then i had to wait for her to get my grilled stuff. this is like your what? west coast biggy is superstore? mine is sobey's. walking is good, my lady. it's exercise and work both rolled into one. better than me sitting on my behind all day.
i hope i don't get that "spread" otherwise i will have to resort to that stair climbing stuff.
so lucky, work 20 hours nia. i hope i work 20 hours too. but for now, i have to take to the grind until no more tuition fees to pay.'s only spring and you are having your home improvement underway? good for you! why the short wall if i may ask? show pic? for me, i am eagerly awaiting my siblings visit. counting days.
sorry, the above should have been at the spring crapbox...kekeke ok, back to AI. i hear you. big mistake for naima. that song is just so inappropriate to raggae. i felt sad that thia's gone too but i know it's gonna be soon 'cos really, she's not shining and doing injustice to her beautiful and powerful voice. come u picked haley? ah steven said she sings sexy!!!! tsk tsk.... what about lauren?
oh, any comment about james' pepsi moment blurt? i got a tweet that he caused an uproar in the tweet community. heh about paul. did u hear steven asking paul if he watered his jacket 'cos there appeared to be more flowers/bloom. funny lah, this tyler guy. sexy crazy!!!!
ok, week of top 9. well, hmm, so close....their performance. tough call which to name out. my favourite of the nite was james' rendition of "while my guitar gently weeps" written by george harrison. i love that song and i love how james sang it. lyrics while simple has depth. james delivered with the right emotion and what an ending. i gave a shout on his last note! love it.
the rest? it was alright for me. so my dear.....still bz at work eh? and cityville i gather.
eh, jetta.........i am beginning to feel like i am doing a monologue here.
anyways, no worries. u update as and when u r free from work.
okay, now your pia is gone. shocker ain't it? to be honest, while she can sing, i never really liked her. so i am not too bothered. this year is just too close. anyone can be a winner except maybe for that jacob guy. something about his facial expressions when he sings. but lovely voice he got.
oh, don't you just love j lo. she's absolutely gorgeous!!!!
Re: J Lo. I just don't see it leh. To me gorgeous is Halle Berry. J Lo in my eyes is okay only. Steven and J Lo are so grey with their comments. Where is Simon and his bucket of cold water?
My oh my! Is America deaf? Stefano's in and Pia's out?!? What the?!?!? She's not my favourite so like you, not too bothered. Either way, I don't see her as the ultimate winner so it's a sooner or later kinda thing.
So let's not waste time and just get to the top 3? lol
i was with u before....didn't really pay attention to j lo. but i guess as i get to see her weekly and twice a week for that matter, her looks kinda grows on me eh? it's like frequent association generate some sentiments eh? it actually could go either way. good feelings or ill feelings. and hey, did u hear/read? she's voted the most beautiful woman on people's mag.
i am with you. halle berry is gorgeous.
exactly!!!! much as i like steven tyler.....he is too kind. but he sees talent. look it. he gave casey a standing o last nite. while i am not exactly a fan, i agree that casey is talented and creative. that kind of jazz number, i wanna be comfortably seated at a club, have a drink, enjoy the music, ambience and company.
ok, back to top 8. hmm.....yet again, my fav performance of the nite goes to james durbin. i was rocking with him man!!!! after his performance, i gave him a standing o from my living room. i mean seriously!!!! james rocks!!!!! i honestly hopes he wins.
paul is still prancing. i wish u do something different. it's getting a bit tiring on the eyes. cool suit tho'. the producer actually said lauren sings the climb better than miley? aww....c'mon. not really. if i have my way, i tink lauren needs to be bottom 3 tonight. haley was alright. some pitch prob and with her moving about the stage, i tot she exhaust her stamina somewhere. jacob was okay. thank goodness he didn't go over the top. just right. scotty.....he is ready to cut an album....a country album that is. stefano.....actually when he sings, he does move me but i can't say he has that it factor. my prediction for bottom 3? haley, stefano and paul.
over to you, lady! oh btw, your top 3?
My top 3? Casey, James and ..... I don't know. I can't stand country music. The way McCreery sings out of one side of his mouth is irritating. So is singing into the mic at a tilt. Irritates! lol.
I am so glad that Paul is gone. He wasn't singing anymore. More like rapping. haha. I'm giggling at the thought of you giving James a standing o in your living room. Too funny! I hear that Casey and Haley are a couple. They are so cute. :) The dress she wore on results night made me think of a plastic surgeon's pre-surgery outlines. :P
J Lo most beautiful? Puh-lease. When I hear the new judges' critique, I always go, "are we watching the same show?" I know I'm not deaf. And where does Steven buy his "blouses?" Nordstrom's old lady department? Sorry, couldn't resist. :P
Casey's out. I'm not watching anymore. first thought was with you. i tot scotty was to go 'cos the top 6 week, his performance was weak. although jacob tends to go over the top but this week he kept it simple. i tot lauren did a weak rendition too. i honestly don't know what the judges are listening to.
funny the way u described how scotty sings. exactly!!!! he must tink it cool but like u said, it is irritating. almost like a smug.
yup, i read and heard it too that casey n haley are a couple. i honestly do not like anyone except james. so james it will be for win. sorry casey's out. he is indeed talented and creative. as a performance for a show i tot what he did on wednesday was cool but still, not my preferred cup of tea. for james, i didn't give a standing O but i clapped.
funny lah you....steven's blouses from old lady department????? nice wor. he is hot and sexy lah!!!!!
so, r u serious? u not watching anymore? how about dancing with the stars? i am rooting for hines. go hines go~~~~ go james go~~~~
I have no one to root for on Idols now. So I'm not psyched to watch. However, I love The Voice!
Originally posted by jetta:I have no one to root for on Idols now. So I'm not psyched to watch. However, I love The Voice! can't leave me!!!
i am just off the teebee and i honestly don't know what the judges are listening to. i mean, i like steven tyler and he is the very reason that i started a twitter account. but c'mon. get real!!!!! even j lo......holy crap!!!!!! are we even on the same planet????
anyways, oh, it hasn't been broadcast at your western time zone yet eh? so, i should perhaps keep quiet first eh? but nah. i can't bottle it up and i only have you to share my AI passion. james sang his second heart hurts and bled with him. he cried and so did i.
so touching neh. but best performance of the nite has to go to haley. i am not her fan but boy!!! she blew us away. she got a standing O from all judges and i totally agree!!! she is blooming. i am thinking she may be the last 2 standing with james. i tink for tomorrow? jacob has to go. he was so over the top. i had to switch channels.
okay, my lady....dun forsake me ley. come talk with me on AI.
Hahah! When you put it that way, how can I dump you? lol
Had to work last night, missed the show. Will watch the DVR in a bit. Even without watching last night's show, I am hoping that Jacob will go. Soooo tired of his voice.
Eh, you still haven't answered leh. Do you watch The Voice?
You have a twitter account because of Steven Tyler! Woo hoo! lol I still dislike texting.
Finally!!!!! Jacob's finally gone, woohoo!
aww.....u r a sweetheart!!!!! thanks thanks!!!
yeah!!!! finally.....jacob's gone. the american audience is making sense now in lieu of simon's absence since the other 2 judges are so unreal. randy while honest still too kind. they got it right, the bottom 2 being lauren and jacob. scotty didn't out-perform lauren but lauren held back on the big notes so she suffered.
har? the voice ah? that's a canadian production right? the judges do not get to see the contestants but just the voice? saw the trailers but didn't watch it. i watched the hongkong version tho'. anyways, how r u liking the voice? any good? when is it aired? wed nite or thur nite? i may try to catch it since school is out and i am pretty free on summer nites.
aiyoh.....pai seh lah.....
what happend was i was at his official site and then it had a link to his twitter. so, my kaypohness got the better of me mah. so i sign up to see what he has to say. btw, i am also following his facebook page.
i like the title of his new book. trust him that only he can come up with such senseless statement. eh, i just like his talents and his musicality 'cos i am a music genius also.
har? simi texting? no need to text mah. i just have it on whenever i am on the comp. so i use the keyboard mah. text simi lah.
ok, back to the drawing board with our top 4.
Wah, when you said you like Steven Tyler, you really LIKE Steven Tyler. Pheeeeeeet! You crack me up woman!
I am sooo tired of Randy's comments. He really really needs new material. Ten years of Yo Dawg is enough, don't you think? lol
Let's just fast forward the whole damn thing and just have Haley and James duke it out. What say you?
You MUST catch The Voice. Alamak, you of all people not watching it? Tuesday at 8. You MUST watch hor! Otherwise I no friend you.