Originally posted by jetta:Japan's more fun huh? I'm thinking about taking a Japanese class just for fun.
We've also been talking about life. About living in SD, etc. I guess we're bored and have never wanted to live here. We miss the semi nomadic military life and have been toying with the idea of putting in for a transfer back to Japan. Kids are emotionally on board too which is nice.
that will be nice, jetta. good luck with the application. i've been watching this series about sushi and hokkaido. i also wanna go hols in japan. hehehehe.....
Originally posted by jetta:Japan's more fun huh? I'm thinking about taking a Japanese class just for fun.
We've also been talking about life. About living in SD, etc. I guess we're bored and have never wanted to live here. We miss the semi nomadic military life and have been toying with the idea of putting in for a transfer back to Japan. Kids are emotionally on board too which is nice.
It works both ways: what guarantee do you have that you won't feel "homesick" for SD after transferring back to Japan?
Originally posted by littlestream:wah wah wah......so much $$$$$ ar? gong xi gong xi. hanor....japan again? hokkaido lah. i heard seafood beri good.
This will be my third trip to the Kanto and Kansai regions of Japan in two years, and it has occurred to me to travel to a different region the next time. Hokkaido is definitely in the cards.
Wanna come with?
Since arriving here, I have not gone on any long haul trips. I miss that. So much so I applied to Hawaiian airlines to be part of the counter crew. hahaha!
I'd love to come with! Just for the food!
Originally posted by laurence82:i was talking to my corporate client (an american chap) the other day and he hired tax specialists top look thru his accounts
and he run through 3 of them but none of them can ever fully get it right
there are always missing stuff that no one notice
i think everyone shld skip tax and head straight for Chapter 5
The problem is, the tax codes and regulations in this country are so incredibly complex and arcane that not even CPAs and tax specialists fully comprehend them.
A few years ago, Consumer Reports ran an article reviewing and ranking some of the major "walk-in" tax preparation services in this country. A CR reviewer had these services prepare (but not file) her personal income taxes, and brought the same supporting financial paperwork and documents to each of them. If I recall correctly, every single one of the prep services came up with different numbers on the completed tax returns.
Go figure.
Originally posted by Meia Gisborn:This will be my third trip to the Kanto and Kansai regions of Japan in two years, and it has occurred to me to travel to a different region the next time. Hokkaido is definitely in the cards.
Wanna come with?
oh my....third in two years???? holy crap!!! u really love this place eh? well, me too although i have never step foot. yah, hokkaido is definitely a must...especially after i've watched that hongkong sushi series. kekekeke
yeah....i wanna go....which year r u planning?
Peeps, if you are waiting for your returns, be prepared to wait a little longer. I called my CPA today asking about the week's delay and was told the Govt is behind. !!!!!! I want my money and I want it NOW!!!!
i submitted mine last weekend. expecting refunds in two weeks. but then again, gotta save it for tuition fees. crap. unlike our dear MG can go japan.
even fairy godma need a fairy godma!
hehehe....yah....ah lau....you wanna be my fairy godma?
i send u handsum guy
alamakkkkk.....what do i do with a handsum guy?
help u do housework while u study
Ah Lau: You ah, you must send her handsome bad boy rocker....
ok bad boy image
that's an idea!!!
nice thought ah lau!!!!
aiyoh, that boy still look clean lah. send me steven tyler.....
Still not quite there Ah Lau. Try harder.
so fussy and picky
no pressie for u!
The perfect guy for Ah Lau's fairy godma:
While I love Barry, that is one scary pix! *runs*
Originally posted by jetta:While I love Barry, that is one scary pix! *runs*
Indeed. That is one disturbing image of Botox Barry/Scary Barry.
His music still rocks, though.
wah lau eh....MG.....you are cruel........ that barry pic's gonna gib me nitemares. at least gib me this pic lah:
I see Liv Tyler.
u r not serious. i mean liv is pretty leh. this steve is not handsum....just different.
how about mia? not bad eh? she is a BBB (big bold and beautiful) model.