Originally posted by Tammiemeow:He is Canadian. They came back to SG to apply for PR....
Ahhh no wonder Canadian :)
Originally posted by Newdude:Ahhh no wonder Canadian :)
not Canadian by birth....
I see then? hehee sorry for asking too much :)
All born in Kandang Kerbau rite?
It is not ICA's responsibilities to make sure your family stay together.
You and your husband are the ones responsible for making sure the family stays intact.
If you really think just because you are having an "anchor" baby.. your husband should have the right to become Singapore PR. You are being very naive.
The ICA's responsibilities is also to ensure foreign men don't abuse the system by coming to Singapore on a visitor visa , make Singaporean women pregnant and use them ( the woman and the baby )as a ticket to get out of their God forsaken country.
I pray that man don't abandon you and your baby once he figures out he's not getting where he wants to go.
I feel sorry for your parents.
Originally posted by jojobeach:Jojobeach,
R u working with the ICA? If yes pls help to convey our difficulties.. Thanks in advance for that.
I guess all married couples are aware that its our responsibility to stay together, go tru good n bad times together. bla bla bla
I respect yr opinion if u said so, but what do u think of the treatment we got from them? And why certain nationalities get their PR/workpasses/longterm approved immediately? Whats up with all the sux questions treating us like criminals? We deserved some respect too no matter what.
Im the one who is not willing to move, while he is the one agreed to be with me. Only me and my parents know how much he had sacrifice for my sake, he dont need a PR or SC he just want to be with me and future baby, and hes not desparate to live in SG.
"anchor" baby?? I dont really understand that term, but our baby is not made outside marriage, we went tru our traditional Muslim marriage after a year of date. I agreed to marry him only because he promised to settle in Singapore. We are glad that we are blessed with this baby and dont have to wait for so long. Both of us love children too.
I have to tell you that you are wrong to say that abt him, he didnt make use of us as a ticket to get out of his country, Im not rich and he knows that before our marriage in fact he got a degree while I dont. If he wants to do that he wld have done that with rich western ladies in his tour grp. he will bring me to live with him no matter what, and till death do us apart.
YES I am naive, naive till I dont know that I only make my husband suffer for mths now, naive not to know that my country is capable of doing that to us. If I have known this from the start, I wont ruin his life and dignity. I'm ashamed of my country for being prejudice and inflexible.
He cant bear to leave me handling my pregnancy alone, he knows that I need him, so he will continue to accompany me for checkups and into the labour ward and then he will have to move on, and I need to understand that. After nearly for 8mths of hardship do you still think that he will abandon me?
Bad ppl comes from every part of the world, even our own citizens make mistakes/crimes, even inmates gets a second chance, but why cant we even give a chance to ppl like them.
You dont have to feel sorry for my parents, coz neither me or them are suffering from his bad treatments. All of us are only suffering from the treatments from ??? I guess everyone know the answer...
Originally posted by Newdude:
You must be a very young girl and a very foolish one too.
Since you have no intention of leaving Singapore.. why in the world you get pregnant BEFORE he gets his PR ?
Wanting a baby before your husband can establish his PR status in the country YOU want to live.. is just plain foolish and irresponsible.
There are many trans-national couples who got married and wait for everything to be completed before they have their children. It's called "family planning".
You must be so ignorant.
Western women will not want to marry men like your husband.. because they know too many cases of them making use of young innocent females to establish their overseas status. Much like the China girls who uses Singaporean men to get a SG PR. Once they are done and got what they want... they either abandon them or ill-treat them.
If you really love your husband so much and wants your child to grow up in a complete family. You should just go to your husband's homecountry. From there.. you can apply the SG PR for your husband and the SG citizenship for your child.
You may think your hubby is nice to you now.. wait till you go back with him to his country or he decides it's not worth the effort just to get his PR in Singapore. By then.. we'll see if Mr Nice Guy.. turns into the biggest mistake of your life.
And your baby will be the most innocent victim who has to carry the burden of your foolishness.
To protect our sisters and daughters , I'd rather ICA officers treat foreign men who wants to take the short cut to our land ... harsh.. than to have them come here and think they can easily take advantage of our securities.
You know why the ICA is giving your hubby a hard time ???
Just because you are married to him does not gives him automatic rights to PR status.
YOU the sponsor must prove that you can support him financially for the next few years, so that he does not become a burden to the SG society.
Are you financially stable and able to do that now ? IF NOT, then If he is really that capable to take care of himself in SG.. then it's best he comes in on a valid work visa..so that he can establish his capability to contribute first and take care of his wife and baby......then apply for a PR later.
Not that the ICA are racist.. you want to blame , blame it on your hubby's qualifications.
A few couples I know have gotten their PR and they are from middle east.. Only took them less than 6 months to get approval. Those couples have strong academic and industry experience, and they don't need to marry a SG girl to get into SG.
And that part about him cancelling a contract and paying a lump sum penalty ... girl.. are you really that GULLIBLE ?
Why must he quit his job just so he can marry you ?
Why couldn't he KEEP that job.. come over to marry you.. and go back to his job and wait for the PR to be approved before making you pregnant ? If he had done this instead..both of you probably wouldn't be getting so much flak from ICA.
So.. after all is said...my suggestion is ..
Instead of having him bum around in SG.. which is making it even harder for him to get a SG PR.
He goes back to his home country , find himself a decent job so as to make sure he can take good care of you and the baby.
You can apply for your baby's SG citizenship while living in Turkey as long as one of the parent is a SG Citizen ( YOU).
As a family that can survive on your own.. it will look better on the paper you submit to ICA.
In other words.. ICA DO NOT APPROVE BUMS.
So stop blaiming it on racism or anti-immigrants or terrorism. And it has got nothing to do with ICA's humanity or not.
If you don't know how to make your situation look good for submission.. you're in for a rough ride FOR A LONG LONG TIME.
Good luck.
Hey Jojobeach
Before commenting pls get yr facts right…. I have my facts and that’s why I’m willing to put everything here for discussion. After reading ur baseless comments I tot I don’t wish to waste my effort explaining things to you further but cant help to get this out too..
You know why the ICA is giving your hubby a hard time??” Yes coz hes Egyptian.. not only me many others with the same nationalities, put that in yr head!!!
“Just because you are married to him does not gives him automatic rights to PR status”. I knew this before I sign the marriage papers!! But we are trying to settle here..
A few couples I know have gotten their PR and they are from middle east.. Only took them less than 6 months to get approval. Those couples have strong academic and industry experience, and they don't need to marry a SG girl to get into SG. Oh really??? When is that? Was it after MAS SELAMAT ESCAPE?? Some of them got it easily before that.. Pls share with me what kind of strong academic qualifications they have? I can also bullshit and tell most of them got PR within 3mths and hey are having good academic exposure talented bla bla bla.…
“So stop blaming it on racism or anti-immigrants or terrorism. And it has got nothing to do with ICA's humanity or not” If we are the ones facing them. Heard it right with our ears and see with our eyes just who are you to to tell us to stop? Did I mention they are racist, after looking back at my posts I didn’t even mention that, If it resorts to a broken family, abortion and separation what is better word to describe humanity and who is responsible for it??
If you don't know how to make your situation look good for submission.. you're in for a rough ride FOR A LONG LONG TIME. I knew this too before I submit my applications, and let me tell u that, I’m not that hard up anymore for Singapore. So many ppl planned to move or migrate so why shd I be patriotic towards them after all those treatments.
FYI I’m not a very young teenage naive girl, I’ve already worked for 8 years now, and I know who I am married to. And I’m confident he will always be My MR NICE GUY. Don’t see why I need to explain that further coz its just gonna fall tru yr deaf ears.
We are the ones who are goin tru all these. AND WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE to label them as bums?? What proof do you have to show they did not try hard enuf? Have you asked ICA for the rejection list of certain nationalities & and approved nationalities? Have you gone tru the job applications to know how many they have applied? Are you aware that 99% of job here requires PR? Have you seen the receipt from his ex employer the amt of sum he paid? Do you know that its stated in his contract he cannot leave his job to fly here and go back? Do you know how ppl in love will act just to be with each other? Have you realized how many CHINAs PRs/work permit holder you are surrounded now? If you have done the research on all these only then you are FIT to comment.
HAHA!! Why must I wait till he got a PR to get pregnant? Let me tell you that you are the PLAIN FOOLISH ONE TO SAY THAT TO ME. I believe you are one of those guys who only wants pleasure but not kids? And you are also the one who is contributing to the stats of infertility and prefer not to have children.
Why must we be childless with the situation they planned for us? We can have our first child first then continue with family planning. I also know that lah… Do you know a child is a GIFT from GOD? Shd I abort the baby just because daddy doesn’t have a PR? They can easily reject millions of our applications and by the way do you know that PR is renewable after 4 yrs? Do you know that when its renewed it can be rejected again? By the time we mite be childless because of infertility, and I hope that you don’t misinterpret that I’m an old girl and desperate to get married and the truth is Im not very young and Im not old. And FYI I am financially stable and have never borrow money or ever sought any help from the GOVT or frens for financial assistance!!!!
If they think they don’t want them to be a burden to the society, the more they shd do it the other way, make it easier for them to work. Not by rejecting their applications even if they managed to secure a job with an employer. We believe this is not because of academic. Does that mean all the other nationalities have a PHD then?? They can’t even speak simple English not to mention to hear them sing the national anthem.…
How did you know that western women he dealt with didn’t want to marry someone like my husband? Who do you think is in a better position to verify that me or you?? You are simply the same, being prejudice and judgmental. Go n do some soul searching.
I already have my plans and I don’t need yr DAMN advice. Look back at yr advise and see, even a primary school kid can advise me that.
I will keep on posting our updates, till these forums exist. And will teach my baby to type how and know how lucky he is to have a very caring and loving daddy, or shall I let you have my reference so you check with ROMM whether Im still in the marriage or not.. **SHAKE HEAD WITH PPL LIKE U**
edit: Nevermind.. you're on your own girl.
Good luck!
why edit ur long phrases to a very short good luck.. but well since Im half way tru I still post these in reply to yrs. .
I don’t expect ICA to bend over the rules, I expect them to be more flexible towards their citizens. They encourage ppl to marry, encourage more babies bla bla bla.. so what’s wrong to give residency to our spouse. If they can easily offered citizenship to ppl who are not even their citizens in the first place.
Yes I was the one reluctant to move, to prove that he is sincere he have to. By coming all the way here we know that he is sincere. Furthermore it’s hard if we were to get married over there. Go n check it out yrself why I said that, if we plan to settle here, it makes more sense to have the wedding in SG.
Besides hes a man, being a gentlemen he is suppose to go all the way for the bride.. not the other way round.
Love is unconditional “look who is talking” ??
Call me selfish but I just need to ensure that this man that Im marrying can go tru all these challenges, then he can fit into SG, but again I didn’t expect the situation to be this bad.
Do you know that turkey and Egypt is different, coz u kept on emphasizing turkey in yr last posts… They are different in culture/upbringing etc. Don’t label all of them as rotten, just because ur fren is unlucky to get married to that chap.
Before marrying spore citizen, A foreigner has to provide ROMM with his single letter endorsed by his country embassy. Did your fren got that?
I don’t really trust the way they approved PR.. depends on the kindness of the officer process yr applications. However I will still try after we moved.
But like I said Newdude.. if your hubby wants a chance of getting his PR.. he needs to BE EMPLOYED .. even if he cannot find work in SG.. he needs to go back and establish his career..so that he can have something to show ICA. “ I know that, and that is why I’ve only applied for his long term pass not PR”. Some lucky ones managed to get PR even without a good degree or working. Again duh!!!
The longer he is unemployed.. the worst his chances becomes. That is why he will moved on after I gave birth, right now he is accompanying me coz he knows that I need him by my side. And its not easy to leave a job only after working for a few mths. Its only few mths more to go…
You do what you need to do for your family Newdude. “Yes I know that and I will fight all the way!!
You can shake your head at me all you want. I know of a lady who got pregnant with a Turkish guy also in the tourist industry when she visited that region on holiday. That guy insisted he wants to come to Singapore to marry her and when she finally did a back ground check.. she found out he already has 3 other wifes. Now.. she is a struggling single mother. Jojobeach even if you are married to yr own Singaporean fella, you can still be a single parent, coz marriage is like gambling either u win or lose.. need I tell u more? So meaning most of the single parents/divorce cases out there got married to a foreigner? LOL!
I'm just warning you that .. if that can happen to other females.. it can also happen to you. I already consider all the factors before I agree to marry him. So that its not an issue anymore. The only thing I know who he is, Im the lucky one to have him as my soulmate and he will always be. GOD Willing!
Then it is just too bad. Perhaps I was hoping he wasn't from Egypt.
Go read this ....someone who did what you did....
Click on this link, Do Not Get Involved with Egyptian Men
She is just one of many out there....we've heard so many stories of Egyptian men who go online preying on young girls and lonely women in Myspace and face books and other social networking sites.
Anyway... for your case.. the rice has already been cooked, your baby is on his/her way.
All we can do is pray that you do not become one of them.
That's why I say " Good Luck".
This is another forum I found with plenty of warnings against EGYPTIAN MEN.
Click this link , Egyptian Men
I'm not saying that he must be one of those scums..
If he isn't .. we are all very happy for you.
If he is... well.. you have been warned..and you should have thought of a Plan B for you and your baby.
You must understand that Immigration policies in most developed countries are almost ALWAYS reciprocal.
That means.. both party must show some acceptable level of good faith.
Right now.. with your situation...it is hardly any form of good faith. Having a baby does not constitute to good faith on his part.
Let's face it.. Egyptian men do have a bad reputation GLOBALLY. Do you think the government wants too many of them in our country ? Not likely so.
If ICA allows your husband to simply becomes a PR because he got you pregnant.. then any scum who wants to get into our country can just go online and prey on innocent SG girls... get them pregnant and claims PR status. Is this the so called "Humanity" grounds you based your request for the rules to be relaxed ?
Yes. to you.. you want to be an exception. But to ICA.. you are just one of the many who tried this route and failed.
Fighting the system is one thing. It's like constantly hitting your head against the wall.
If you don't know how to navigate the system.. and position yourself in a more favourable situation to ICA.....then no matter how many letters you write to them.. it will just get rejected.
OK.. enough of my naggings.... all the best to you.
LOL this is the funniest post jojo, anyway thanks for making my day
Still being judgemental..Too think u got time to scroll to them and linked them here just to show me that u r right.
Like I said, I already considered all factors before marrying him, I dont need to go tru those links. They are no different from anti certain religions or ppl. For eg type "anti islam" anti china and so on to any search engines and you can find millions of links there... good n bad ppl come from all over the world. If Singaporeans are so good there wont be any crime. Just because of some rotten eggs you banned the whole chicken from the country..You must have a PLAN B even if u r married to locals.
Does that gurantees marrying ppl from other nationalities, who r millionaires, holding good bizness, will be a success??ICA will approve that much easier.. still doesnt make sense to u?? ... Look at the SG divorce rate .. Were all of them married to egyptians???need I say more?
A scum is always a scum, at the end of the day, its you urself have made the decision to marry them, so why blame the whole world becoz of that..
Honestly I feel you are not wishing me good luck or feel happy for me if my guy turns out to be well..you just cant wait for my doomsday and tell the whole world that u r right...
ICA can always revise their policy, for eg, if a couple get divorced or separated the PR wld be forfeited.. this is called flexiblity. To prove that he/she is not marrying you just because of PR. Its only a PR & the benefits are not the same like u r having a Singapore Citizen!!! So no excuse for not being flexible, if u really care abt ur citizens...
Like I said he is not desperate to live in SG,he is here bcoz of me.
Is this the so called "Humanity" grounds you based your request for the rules to be relaxed ? After for so many posts its seems like u simply still dont understand, I meant They shd also think if a family is separated, what kind of problems the spouse wld be facing? still a single parent right!!! Actually there r many which i wld like to share but if u r smart enuf u can tell. Dont talk abt the our faiths, coz u dont have the rights too.
save the best wishes for yrself,
PS to all who is monitoring the topics enjoyzz reading!!!!
oh i am !
Originally posted by Newdude:LOL this is the funniest post jojo, anyway thanks for making my day
Still being judgemental..
Too think u got time to scroll to them and linked them here just to show me that u r right.
Like I said, I already considered all factors before marrying him, I dont need to go tru those links. They are no different from anti certain religions or ppl. For eg type "anti islam" anti china and so on to any search engines and you can find millions of links there... good n bad ppl come from all over the world. If Singaporeans are so good there wont be any crime. Just because of some rotten eggs you banned the whole chicken from the country..You must have a PLAN B even if u r married to locals.
Does that gurantees marrying ppl from other nationalities, who r millionaires, holding good bizness, will be a success??ICA will approve that much easier.. still doesnt make sense to u?? ... Look at the SG divorce rate .. Were all of them married to egyptians???need I say more?
A scum is always a scum, at the end of the day, its you urself have made the decision to marry them, so why blame the whole world becoz of that..
Honestly I feel you are not wishing me good luck or feel happy for me if my guy turns out to be well..you just cant wait for my doomsday and tell the whole world that u r right...
ICA can always revise their policy, for eg, if a couple get divorced or separated the PR wld be forfeited.. this is called flexiblity. To prove that he/she is not marrying you just because of PR. Its only a PR & the benefits are not the same like u r having a Singapore Citizen!!! So no excuse for not being flexible, if u really care abt ur citizens...
Like I said he is not desperate to live in SG,he is here bcoz of me.
Is this the so called "Humanity" grounds you based your request for the rules to be relaxed ? After for so many posts its seems like u simply still dont understand, I meant They shd also think if a family is separated, what kind of problems the spouse wld be facing? still a single parent right!!! Actually there r many which i wld like to share but if u r smart enuf u can tell. Dont talk abt the our faiths, coz u dont have the rights too.
save the best wishes for yrself,
PS to all who is monitoring the topics enjoyzz reading!!!!
I am not talking about religious "faith".
Seems you don't understand what reciprocal is eh ? Oh well.... (shrugs)....
If you don't want to understand how to fix it.. what to do ?
Come back here and update us when you finally get his PR yah ?
And again.... good luck to your endeavor. With the way you're handling your situation now.. you'd need plenty to it...
You will eventually realize that most developed countries uses similar foreign/immigration policies.
For you to go to his country is rather easy, but it's not so the other way round.
Yes, you say.."just revoke the PR if the marriage failed", now how will it work if that foreign man fathered a Singaporean child with a Singaporean woman and got divorced anyway ? How can you tell .. which of those foreign men are genuine and which are not ?
Ask yourself .. who carrys the burden of proof that he is not trying to take advantage ? Right now... you and him have nothing to show, everything is stacked against your favour.
And if it's really JUST a FEW rotten Egyptian eggs... girl.. tell me... why even the Canadian foreign ministry issued warnings to their travellers going to Egypt to be cautious of Egyptian men ?
Oh well this guy never stop... but let me tell u that I really cant be bothered replying to someone who is psyhopathic... besides none of my questions were answered by u..
Did I ever say that I was reffering to religious faith?? haha and then accusing me of not understanding the word reciprocal
You dont have to tell me to update or what to do, I already mentioned b4 that I even ask my baby learn how to type to update abt us and his daddy
Yes, you say.."just revoke the PR if the marriage failed", now how will it work if that foreign man fathered a Singaporean child with a Singaporean woman and got divorced anyway ? How can you tell .. which of those foreign men are genuine and which are not ? "Ask this question to urself" how can u tell those who got married & divorce are those married to egyptians???
Ask yourself .. who carrys the burden of proof that he is not trying to take advantage ? Right now... you and him have nothing to show.How can we proof when we are not given a chance to ?? when ppl are just being skeptica like u!
And if it's really JUST a FEW rotten Egyptian eggs... girl.. tell me... why even the Canadian foreign ministry issued warnings to their travellers going to Egypt to be cautious of Egyptian men , Oh god again, its back to the same thing just becoz of few rotten eggs they banned the whole chicken!! At the end of the day u r responsible for ur own doings.. stop blaming ppl. it takes two to tango..
A simple thing SG can do is to make it clear to its citizen that, shd we got married to them we will lose our nationality rather than make ppl suffer
The morale of the story on yr last post, is nothing but repititive and unsound.
Originally posted by Newdude:Oh well this guy never stop... but let me tell u that I really cant be bothered replying to someone who is psyhopathic... besides none of my questions were answered by u..
Did I ever say that I was reffering to religious faith?? haha and then accusing me of not understanding the word reciprocal
You dont have to tell me to update or what to do, I already mentioned b4 that I even ask my baby learn how to type to update abt us and his daddy
Yes, you say.."just revoke the PR if the marriage failed", now how will it work if that foreign man fathered a Singaporean child with a Singaporean woman and got divorced anyway ? How can you tell .. which of those foreign men are genuine and which are not ? "Ask this question to urself" how can u tell those who got married & divorce are those married to egyptians???
Ask yourself .. who carrys the burden of proof that he is not trying to take advantage ? Right now... you and him have nothing to show.How can we proof when we are not given a chance to ?? when ppl are just being skeptica like u!
And if it's really JUST a FEW rotten Egyptian eggs... girl.. tell me... why even the Canadian foreign ministry issued warnings to their travellers going to Egypt to be cautious of Egyptian men , Oh god again, its back to the same thing just becoz of few rotten eggs they banned the whole chicken!! At the end of the day u r responsible for ur own doings.. stop blaming ppl. it takes two to tango..
A simple thing SG can do is to make it clear to its citizen that, shd we got married to them we will lose our nationality rather than make ppl suffer
The morale of the story on yr last post, is nothing but repititive and unsound.
Yes ah.... don't blame ICA what no humanity.. tear family apart ok ? Please be responsble for your own action and decision.
SG just need to be very selective who they let into the country. Especially men from countries who are notorious for disrespecting women.
If the Egyptian guy can proof he is really worthy.. then by all means....
Why ban the whole chicken because of some bad eggs ?
So... bad eggs gets ICA rejected.... good eggs.. we welcome them.... Simple as that. OK ? Good.
Unfortunately... you are not the one to decide for ICA if your hubby is a good egg or bad egg. First he needs to show ICA he is a good egg.. then let ICA acknowledge that he is a good egg.
Skeptical ? Sure.. we should just assume all bad eggs are good.. is that what you are saying ?
OK.. so you want to marry him.. but you don't want his country. What kind of marriage is that ? So he gave up his career and family for you.. now you expect the whole country to give in to you ?
Oh I'm totally sure he can prove himself.. but he can also prove his capability while he is IN his country.
There's no ICA rules that says the foreign spouse MUST prove his sincerity IN Singapore.
So, the only person who is not allowing him to prove himself.. is none other than you...since you decide to marry him.. you should be prepared to go to his country to live as a family. Since you are the one insisting he must be in SG.. then who to blame for tearing your family apart ?
By going back with him..he'll have plenty of opportunity to prove himself that he can indeed provide for his family and take care of them. That's really what a man should be doing anyway.
What relevance is your question about those who got married to locals and get divorce ? Ofcors there's a difference...
Local men already are local..they are not marrying sg girls to get a PR.
Foreign men who are rich ? LOL....They don't need to marry a SG girl to get a PR.. our gahmen will welcome them with open arms anyway.
Right now.. your hubby cannot make it into Singapore without you.. see the difference ?
very easy to understand.. why must I keep reminding you ?
you're lucky i'm not a mod.
other this will be locked and i'll tell you to take this to speaker's corner.
and is jojobeach a guy?
Originally posted by udontknowme:you're lucky i'm not a mod.
other this will be locked and i'll tell you to take this to speaker's corner.
and is jojobeach a guy?
Mod here!
I would be against locking this thread as that would be a disservice to forumites who actually want to discuss their reason(s) for moving and/or emigrating.
However, the ongoing debate between two particular forumites has gotten somewhat heated and personal, and has caused this discussion to wander significantly off track.
I'd like to keep this thread open for now, but if the discussion does not get back on topic PDQ, the mods might unfortunately find it necessary to lock it.
Sound reasonable?
Originally posted by Meia Gisborn:
Mod here!I would be against locking this thread as that would be a disservice to forumites who actually want to discuss their reason(s) for moving and/or emigrating.
However, the ongoing debate between two particular forumites has gotten somewhat heated and personal, and has caused this discussion to wander significantly off track.
I'd like to keep this thread open for now, but if the discussion does not get back on topic PDQ, the mods might unfortunately find it necessary to lock it.
Sound reasonable?
LOL...why be a party pooper ?
You should just change the topic to... How Do we Import a foreign Spouse ?
You Meia.. a legal immigrant yourself. Should know first hand.. that you can't just go to USA or other developed countries. Make a girl there fall in love with you.. have baby with her.. quit your job in Singapore .. fly there..for a few years without a work visa ... live off her below average income..and expect the Immigration authorities to grant you a PR there. Even if you do.. they'll treat you like a alien criminal and you'd be stuck in their immigration grid for years to come, worst case.. they will deport because you have violated immigration rules.
Singapore's ICA is already very generous to award foreign spouse... with social visa... and in my opinion.. that's already a big mistake.
If anybody wants to immigrate.. they should just do it the right way.
In a forum.. we can dispense with the hokey pokey pretentious niceties and be honest with each other. Don't you agree ?
Udon.. does it matter if jojo is a girl or a boy ?
Originally posted by jojobeach:
You should just change the topic to... How Do we Import a foreign Spouse ?
If you feel strongly enough about that subject, there's nothing preventing you from starting a new thread with that title and discussing the topic to your heart's content. I'd wager you'll get a more lively and relevant debate going among more participants than if you were to bury your discussion in this thread.
It's a win-win situation: this thread gets to stay on topic, and you get to helm the new one and steer it whichever direction you see fit. So how 'bout it?
If anybody wants to immigrate.. they should just do it the right way.
You're preaching to the choir here...
In a forum.. we can dispense with the hokey pokey pretentious niceties and be honest with each other. Don't you agree ?
Okay, I'll temporarily dispense with the diplomatic facade and say this: this thread is veering off-topic and if it doesn't get back on-track soon, I'm breaking out the shackles.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...
Originally posted by Meia Gisborn:If you feel strongly enough about that subject, there's nothing preventing you from starting a new thread with that title and discussing the topic to your heart's content. I'd wager you'll get a more lively and relevant debate going among more participants than if you were to bury your discussion in this thread.
It's a win-win situation: this thread gets to stay on topic, and you get to helm the new one and steer it whichever direction you see fit. So how 'bout it?
You're preaching to the choir here...
Okay, I'll temporarily dispense with the diplomatic facade and say this: this thread is veering off-topic and if it doesn't get back on-track soon, I'm breaking out the shackles.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...
Dear Meia,
Incase you haven't notice... this thread was already veering off topic way before the great debate started.
Sure.. it got heated up, but discussions that go noble inevitably ends with a natural death.
Now let's talk about why we migrate.. like if we don't... we get fed to the dogs .. DUH ~
Originally posted by jojobeach:Now let's talk about why we migrate.. like if we don't... we get fed to the dogs .. DUH ~
Hear, hear!
(And don't worry about the dogs--they were fed this morning already. )