I recently bought a voucher from streetdeal.com for 16 x 3D slimming treatment sessionsat Bottomslim. Each of the sessions was supposed to be 120mins each with 4 different techniques each.
However, when I reached their location, the lady insisted that the 16 sessions be made up of minor treatments including things like fat test and it can all be completed in 2 visits (1hr each). No amount of explaination could get her to understand that my voucher is actually worth a lot more. She insisted that the package was structured by the company even if it is not what was promised in the voucher. She was not very professional and actually got pissed at one point when I refused to buy their additional $1588 package of 10 sessions of some other treatment.
They dont seem to have any official brochure of their treatments for customers to verify the services that we are getting. No details are provided on the techniques to prove that they are safe apart from word of mouth.
It was all very translucent and not very customer friendly. I am waiting for their management to give me a formal reply. Will keep you guys updated.
buy groupbuys is like tt one
u have to read the T&Cs at least 7 times over
if unsure, do not buy