nice try but rather dumb...
waiver of annual fee is not 100% privelage... if can waive off everyone's, then why do they even charge annual fee in the first place...
tts the way bank works
can afford cc cannot afford pay annual fee?
I think interest free is already quite good?
And the vouchers, fwah. I mean FWAAAAHHH!
The sunday times had ever ran an article about taking up interest free installements thru credit card banks.
It is noted that the card holder will have slightly less argumental power on financial transactions, when they owe the bank a debt.
When you applied for installment free purchase on your big ticket item, you effectively own a long term debt with the bank, because the bank has paid for your purchase, so effectively you are servicing a loan from the bank.
Also, before applying for the credit card, you had already been forewarned of the annual fee unless stated otherwise, thru your application form. There is nothing in the fine print that states that you'll recieve a waiver despite anything, hence you can't argue with the bank. You can bring it to court, you still lose. Attempting to cancel a card while you have an existing debt with the bank is also not a wise idea, even if you could pay it off 1 time completely.
I own credit cards myself, and I do it selectively, of course I try to get those without an anuual fee first, but these cards would usually have a requisite like minimum transactions monthly, or tied to an active utilities account, which I know I can adhere to.
Paying thru the installment free scheme offered by credit cards is another big no no for me, although I know I won't ever default on them. It puts me in a position of a lot of "what ifs".
Seriously, how do you think the bank makes money? From the consumers of course. You think they can survive without making any money?