i went for a blood test on 1 dec but to date have heard nothing from tampines polyclinic.
so today i decided to take some initiative and give them a call.
all i heard as expected is 'all our operators are engaged....' nothing new right?
the system asked me to press 1 to hold or call back again.
then just let me hold until the line gets through. why keep asking every few seconds to press 1 to hold the line or call back again? isnt it stupid? how many times do i have to press 1 to hold if the line is engaged for say... 30 minutes? the system cut my call off because i exceeded the time limit to press 1 to hold.
can you believe this?
just when i thought m1 is bad.
finally got through.
i have to go down and see the doctor.
Because you called in the morning. Why not try to call around 3pm? :)
walau. just heard from the doctor i have high blood pressure, high cholestrol and possibly diabetes.
yet they sat on my report instead of calling me.
imagine how much salt, sugar and fats i have eaten the last 3 weeks while waiting. if i had not called and gone down today i would have continue living as usual thinking everything's ok....
from the beginning they should have made it clear that; i have to make an appointment to see the same doctor; call and check if the result is out.
really poor SOP.