Do you know that every household in Singapore pays $3 per month, for each sh!t pot in the house?
Sanitary Appliance Fee = $3.00 each.
I know that there are at least 600,000 HDB flats.
I don't know how many private homes/flats there are in Singapore.
Lets work on 600,000 homes. Each with at least one toilet, (many two).
600,000 x $3 = $1,800,000 per month
$1,800,000 x 12 mts = $21,600,000 per year.
This is already a gross underestimation.
The actual figure would be well in excess of $43,200,000 per year.
Every year, and the total amount is definitely increasing.
Seems that Crap in Singapore generates more money than gold mines in South Africa.
What more we clean and maintain that pot ourselves!