Originally posted by shinta:
there's this templeton one....
what do u guys think of it?
was readin in sgfund de mag comparing a couple of funds n their performance..
Which templeton one? cos templeton has many diff type of funds..
For unit trust, one of the main thing you consider is the performance of the underlying market it is investing in... eg. Global Equity Fund will be investing in stocks of companies ard the world. Income funds will be investing in Bonds. Balanced Funds invest in both stocks and bonds.
Stocks and bonds work in reverse direction
Stocks price rises when there's a Bull Market.. so Equity funds will make $$, and Income funds will lose $$. and vice versa..
Balanced Funds will not lose too much in a Bear market. But in a Bull run, it will not earn as much either.
Within Equity fund, there's also different sectors and countries it will be invested in. These will be riskier.. but it also means the gains can potentially be higher.
So to choose a Unit trust, first you must think about how the market will perform. eg. You think China is going to do well in the next 5 years. Then you look for a China Growth Fund. After that you will select which fund mgmt house you want to buy from eg. Franklin Templeton, DBSAM, etc.