Though a similar fate we share with the dogs.
So now start wayang on the cause of mrt breakdowns?
Why can't just say overpopulation leading to over loading of mrt system?
Anybody can explain the clip thing they are talking about now?
Originally posted by charlize:Anybody can explain the clip thing they are talking about now?
i think they went for the cheaper one? to increase profits?
Originally posted by the Bear:i think they went for the cheaper one? to increase profits?
So cheaper better faster is not a new concept?
We have three consecutive years of fare increase to boost the public transport profit.
What we get in return ? No maintenance ? Cheap train ? Cheap rail ?
Now, even the new circle line also breakdown.
Where are PTC ? SMRT ? SBS ? LTA ?
Who is in charge ?
Where are the talent ?
No one came forward.
When some one proposed PAY INCREASE for people, all dogs come out to bark "NO PRODUCTIVITY, NO WAGE INCREASE".
MRT is just like drugs. Once you are hooked on it, you want more. If it gives you problems, you become frustrated and violet...
Say no to drugs, don't be over reliant on them.
Maintenance and Building of rail:
- Always look at it at for cost cutting, since the track belong to cheng hu, it is not my business to spend money to maintain and repair it. So, cheaper quotation can liao.
Procurement of train:
- Since we are managing the line for cheng hu, buy the train that are cheap and can run. Later, cheng hu will pay for the train maintenance and repair since they alway want "Cheaper. better and faster." (Cheaper Material, Better Price and Faster Spoil)
The above paragraph describes an world class transport system in a 1st world country ruled by millon dollars paid talent.
They are all PURE fiction and do not happened in real life. If it happened, it is all pure miracle that happened once in 50 years.
Originally posted by lce:alamak, isit aeroplane drop from the sky oso unavoidable ???
if u dun noe how to calculate the periodical maintenance pls STFU
Good analogy.
They now trying to confuse the people with statistics already. 1 day the number of flights also around there.. So by his logic 1 plane crash unaviodable also??
COE expensive, public transport breaking apart. Sad.
Why Singaporeans have to suffer such fate?
just like how commuters have a choice to board the train, it's just whether they wanna board.
similarly train operators have a choice to pump more money into maintenance, it's just whether they wanna do it.
Nobody cares about mrt breakdown.
The scandal 44 more exciting.
I think everybody is looking at this
the wrong way!
The blame should not fall on the government, but on the commuters. I have seen tons of people, not moving towards the center of the train between the doors to allow for space for other passengers.
Stop blaming the government, they have
tried their best to ease the overcrowding problem.
Instead, we should start looking at our behaviour. All of you have been complaining that there is not enough space but maybe is us got problem.
From a concerned citizen.
think too crowded..try to squeeze in at the door of train to get in even though train is as packed as tokyo morning their leg fell thru the gap while trying to force squeeze into train to get to work or late for appointment.
conclusion:train too crowded due to overcrowding in spore.u wouldnt get this if train was not crowded.over the decades spore was nor crowded and no one got this kind of problems.its only when some genius turned senile old person say spore can have 10 million or more people then weird things which case might as well say spore can have 100 million people.
Originally posted by Concerncitizenong65:<!--StartFragment-->
I think everybody is looking at this the wrong way!
The blame should not fall on the government, but on the commuters. I have seen tons of people, not moving towards the center of the train between the doors to allow for space for other passengers.
Stop blaming the government, they have tried their best to ease the overcrowding problem.
Instead, we should start looking at our behaviour. All of you have been complaining that there is not enough space but maybe is us got problem.
From a concerned citizen.
blame you can for such nonsense?
Nothing is unavoidable(active)... Only inevitable(passive)...
Originally posted by dragg:be realistic.
how can breakdowns of any kind be avoidable?
you can only minimize.
Its avoidable if proper maintenance plan is in place. It inevitable if no such plan is in place.
Originally posted by dragg:be realistic.
how can breakdowns of any kind be avoidable?
you can only minimize.