Add ons for NSL(+6 Trains - 3 C151, 2 C651, 1 C751B)
033/034, 049/050, 113/114, 211/212, 233/234, 339/340
CGL (30 December 2010) : 3 Trains (1 C151, 1 C651, 1 C751B):
TRN140: 005/006
TRN141: 201/202
TRN142: 325/326 (INFO FROM willis)
Last Day of the Year
Train Spotting Incomplete (Late Morning)
EWL Total (14) = C151s (10), C651s (2), C751Bs (2)
023/024, 043/044, 051/052, 077/078, 097/098, 099/100, 109/110, 125/126, 127/128, 131/132, 213/214, 237/238, 341/342, 343/344
NSL Total (9) = C151s (8), C751B (1)
019/020, 021/022, 079/080, 081/082, 083/084, 093/094, 103/104, 107/108, 317/318
End of Year Train Spottings
EWL(33 Trains - 22 C151s, 6 C651s, 5 C751Bs)
003/004, 023/024, 033/034, 035/036, 039/040, 045/046, 047/048, 051/052, 077/078, 085/086, 087/088, 089/090, 091/092, 097/098, 099/100, 105/106, 109/110, 111/112, 117/118, 121/122, 127/128, 131/132, 209/210, 213/214, 221/222, 227/228, 229/230, 237/238, 325/326, 331/332, 341/342, 344/345, 349/350
NSL(32 Trains - 21 C151s, 2 C651s, 9 C751Bs)
019/020, 021/022, 049/050, 053/054, 057/058, 059/060, 061/062, 063/064, 065/066, 069/070, 071/072, 073/074, 079/080, 081/082, 083/084, 093/094, 095/096, 103/014, 107/108, 113/114, 115/116, 203/204, 205/206, 311/312, 313/314, 315/316, 317/318, 319/320, 321/322, 335/336, 339/340, 347/348
Thank you everyone for your participation for the past year, and we hope to see you in the new train spotting thread: