How do you camp for trains? I just camp in Yishun and Khatib as the distances between the stations are near (to reduce the risk of missing the train when passing by opposite). Every 10-12 trains I go out then in the faregates in the other station as I entered (Yishun if I started at Khatib, Khatib if I started at Yishun) and start camping again.
I camp at JE, as it is an interchange btw EWL and NSL, so i can save time. Usually I start at PSR, so 24 stns away (so that the maximum time limit 2h is utilised) is BBT, but i alight at BGB to be 5 stns away from BNV. I alight to "refresh" my time limit at the 2h mark, and have a toilet break as well befoe continuing camping again, until 1h later, where i alight at BNV, my initially intended destination every sat.
Total amount spent:
PSR -> BGB (44c)
BGB -> BNV (39c)
Total: 83c (cheap isn't it? can escape the extra $2 fine if you know the time limits)