Where is the depot?Originally posted by sErviCe17rOx:the definition of a monorail is a train that travels on a single track or guideway..like the concrete booms for the Sentosa Express..in fact theres nothing to quarrel about..BECAUSE a monorail is actually classified as a Light rail System..light rail systems are actually just a general group or type of transportation like monorails, LRTs, trams etc. so guys i hope this kinda clears ur misconceptions and lets stay happy and cheerful yea??
btw i just went to Sentosa two days ago..the piece of guideway along the Causeway sector is still incomplete but i think it should be finished right around now or soon..i also saw the orange trains in the depot too when i was on the Sky Tower but my view was slightly blocked so unfortunately no pictures taken..the stations look cool btw..it will have a glass roof and is somewhat shaped like Expo station..correct me if im wrong in any way guys..
SIJORI WONDERGOLF IS A MOZZIE-BREEDING HAVEN..their waterfalls and pools have been neglected and i swear the pools there are filled with mosquito larvae..i took a golf club to swirl the water and there was actually a scum layer on top of it!! shows how long the water has not been touched..i think im gonna report this to NEA..
not reli sure but its somewhere in the middle of sentosaOriginally posted by SBS9889U:Where is the depot?
are we engineers?Originally posted by SBS9818A:Mod Notes: Flamming again
You may wanna say it is Monorail, but in engineering, that is NOT monorail
You say Monorail to an engineer, he/ she would never understand you
yes the old one is under dismantling..some tracks left here and there but almost gone..the new stations have yet to be completed..still surrounded by scaffolding the last time i saw them..so we still need to wait a while more..and there is a need to test them..anything new should be tested before being allowed to run and transport the public..no one can guarantee that the monorails are 100% safe to use immediately..just like the LRT system..Originally posted by 105090:why can only operate end 2006? i tot the tracks are already in place, and the trains, wont really need many test rite? since its only a light rail and only 4 trains.
btw, has the old monorail in sentosa gone and dismantled?
Palawan Beach.Originally posted by sErviCe17rOx:not reli sure but its somewhere in the middle of sentosa