I find this mature girl rather sexy and attractive in the TV commercial. So so sexy in her own rights. Feel like hugging her and ...
lol gun gun like old women also? stalk old auntie ar!
Originally posted by youyayu:lol gun gun like old women also? stalk old auntie ar!
knn her advertisment i feel like switching off the tv
You call her mature lady ? I think she over the hill lao char bor liao lor . Just that she bgt slimming company to mantain her figure nia . But i still have to admit her figure really looks mature n good . Hmm looks like motherhood really can enchance a womans breast lol .
第一代阿� leh 人家
Yup. Look what happened to Zoe's tits during and after her pregnancy. Astonishing. Hm... wondering how do they taste and smell like down there.
tiu make up and photoshop..see her in dramas i wan puke liao *takes plastic bag*
Well, ya-ah, it is the packaging. At least she still looks good after the "packaging". Some others really cannot make it already.
You love lao cai...
MILF !!!
Photoshop power. Kan ni nia.. lol
Pedo Bear.. says
Pedo Bear Disapproves!
Talking bear...drool somemore
i may like MILF.. but hor.. this one hor....
I will pass
How about this one :
or :
this one ?
and :
and LV panties :
rebecca tan FTW
mimiki and 798 got circle
Originally posted by BadzMaro:MILF !!!
Photoshop power. Kan ni nia.. lol
Pedo Bear.. says
Pedo Bear Disapproves!
magaret lee better. more curves. feminine taste.
ericia lee not even chio
big nia
What do you mean FireIce?
Anyways, I LIKE THEM ALL, yeaH.
wong li lin is the ultimate milf lor..dont know she got kid not but she is damn hot !!
Originally posted by mimiki:How about this one :
or :
this one ?
and :
and LV panties :
only margarat n erika pass qc.