DOTA News - DOTA Rankings by CountryThis following article is from DOTATips:
With DOTA continuing to grow around the world, we (DOTATIPS) thought we would list the top ranking DOTA (Warcraft) ranked nations in order of strongest:
The Philippines remains in top spot, in terms of DOTA skill and ability, here is the complete list: The interesting point here is New Zealand knocks Australia out of Top spot - The Aussies dropping away in terms of their Warcraft/DOTA skills.
1. Philippines
2. Bolivia
3. Malaysia
4. Singapore
5. Thailand
6. Indonesia
7. Peru
8. Greece
9. Romania
10. New ZealandAs a Singaporean, I would have to admit that Singapore did not do too well for the DOTA segment for the World Cybergames 2007, even though it was held at home ground. But how accurate is this ranking actually? A poll wouldn't help since all fella nationalities would definitely rate their own countries better than the rest.
I did a search at but what DOTArank does is to gauge the individual performance of a ranked player, and this is their ethos:
DotArank - is the platform for playing popular Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod - Defense of the Ancients. DotA Allstars.
Our mission is to gain popularity of DotA Allstars as the most balanced Warcraft III Mod and to obtain the recognition of DotA Allstars by the community of Warcraft III players and world computer game community as Warcraft III: 5v5!
With the help of DotArank we collect and analyze statistics for all DotA Allstars games and players who played these games. Every player, about whom we have data, is given a rank (Arank) depending on finished games quantity and frequency of leaves. DotArank collects information about all game participants (including those who do not use DotArank). As a result, the statistics database grows incredibly. When using DotArank, you will get the information about all players.
Not too helpful.
As such, I've started a DOTA ranking page (for popularity) in my blog and with the statistics will challenge DOTATip's ranking, so please support by voting.
Vote Here