Hi, i would need some help, im playing dota at really low resolution, (640)
i have a 3400+ amd, 1.5gib DDRAM good motherboard, a 8 mibit connection
and i still lagg ALOT playing dota, can barely play melee heroes cuz i lagg so much, since it usually backs up 3 secs after i clicked
I have tried reinstalling WC3
Shutting down some unessesary processes
Shutting of firewall
Never keeping any programs / windows open in the background
All settings in video ingame are low and reso is 640 (as stated above)
I really need help! :S plz help me i wanna be lagfree
Lotsa LUV Rugi
i think its ur internet man. warcraft doesn't need that good specs to play.
can you specify your internet connection and are you behind any router, please do a port forward.
i am not sure about dota, but for some games u cant do anything do the lag.
Lag can be caused by factor from your side, like Slow PC, slow connection, running too many apps in background etc.
But in some case, becuase the traffic between you and the game server is bad, or the server being too busy, there's nothing u can do.
I found my router page and everything, and i found the part where you do the port forwarding.
BUT, i cant figure it out, i see a list of programs i can choose to forward, like Utorrent is "allow always" (BTW my brother did all that shit, and hes in vietnam :S ) anyways, i cant find WC3 on that list.
How do i see what port WC3 uses ?
Or how do i add a port to WC3 so i can forward it.
use port 6110 to 6119.
either that or use your Router's DMZ to enable all ports when you play. but disable it after playing.