SentinelObsidian Destroyer
Vengeful Spirit
Tormented Soul (Me)
Bone Fletcher
ScourgeBane Elemental
Shadow Priest
Shadow Shaman
Lightning Revenant
LanesTop: Bone, Rigwarl
Mid: Tinker/Leshrac, Rhasta/Bane
Bottom: Harbinger/Vengeful, Shadow Priest/Razor
Item/Skill build5 Branches, 8 Tangos
Reaver (14 min)
Vitality Booster + Heart + Boots(16 min)
Mystic Staff, Point Booster, Vitality Booster
1: Stats
2: Lightning Storm
3: Lightning Storm
4: Stats
5: Lightning Storm
6: Stats
7: Lightning Storm
8: Split Earth
9: Diabolic Edict
10: Pulse Nova
11: Diabolic Edict
12: Diabolic Edict
13: Diabolic Edict
14: Stats
15: Stats
16: Pulse Nova
17: Pulse Nova
18: Split Earth
19: Split Earth
20: Split Earth
21: Stats
22: Stats
23: Stats
-Game End-
HighlightsVS takes first blood from Shadow Priest.
Tinker & me both spam mid like nobody's business. (Lightning 5 second cooldown
I take a double kill from Bane and Rhasta who are hanging about behind their tower. (Lightning imba range
Rigwarl, Bane and Rhasta push top. Rhasta is raped by me, Bane is killed after Gripping me (double kill), Rigwarl escapes. I retreat with red hp, only to die to Rhasta's wards.
Farming mid lane, Rhasta Cyclone/Wards combos me, but I am not trapped. Not fast enough to stun him, I get Shackled and hammered by his wards. After he's done, I stun, Edict, and chase, finishing him off with Lightning. Then I turn around to farm his wards and run off with half hp still. (Imba farming = early Heart
Scourge pushes bottom, I run in with Nova & Edict, get hexed and set up a double kill for Harbinger and a kill for Vengeful and Bone.
Sentinel pushes and raxes bottom, I combo again, kill Rhasta, get hexed again. Razor with full hp dies to Harbinger's ulti in one hit. Shadow Priest comes out to get raped, Bane Nightmares himself to escape, Tinker and Harbinger attack him, almost everyone left right center is Nightmared.
FATAL ERROR So don't ask me for NPNT. I wanted to save the replay but I can't now because of that Nightmare bug. Too many people getting Nightmared = error.
But damn, Leshrac is imba.